Positive Qualities – Common Sense & Self-governing

Dear folks,
People say that what we are all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking or thinking. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive. That the life experiences that we have on the purely physical plane will have resonances within … our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive. That’s what it’s all finally about and that’s what these clues help us to find within ourselves.
Myths are clues to the spiritual potentialities of the human life.
We’re having experiences all the time which … render some sense of this, a little intuition of where your joy is: grab it. No one can tell you what it’s going to be. You’ve got to learn to recognize your own depths.
Interview with Bill Moyers, Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) Mythologist
We can develop a trust in our own gut. Common Sense is originally imparted to youth by adults. And one of the things we learn pretty early on is that adults do not have all of the answers. Nonetheless, we can accept their information as what they take to be the rules of life, and move on from their. Knowing what is expected in society is the beginning of self-governed behavior, for both the individual and for the society.
            COMMON SENSE
Definitions: (1) practical understanding or intelligence; (2) sound and prudent judgmentDerivation: Originally, common sense was the faculty uniting and interpreting the impressions of the other five senses.
Today’s common sense is yesterday’s science. — Neils Bohr (1885-1962) Danish Physicist

Common sense is instinct. Enough of it is genius. — George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Irish Playwright

A walking encyclopedia will walk over a cliff, for all its knowledge of cliffs and the effects of gravity, unless it is designed in such a fashion that it can find the right bits of knowledge at the right times, so it can plan its engagements with the real world. — Daniel Dennett (1942 – ) American Philosopher

Definitions: (1) having control or rule over oneself; autonomous; (2) characterizes a state, community, or region that is governed by its own people; democratic
That state is best which governs least. — Thomas Jefferson (1742-1826) American Statesman, 3rd President of the Unites States

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Positive Qualities – Improving & Radiant

Dear Folks,
Live what you believe with the highest light you have.Steps Toward Inner Peace, Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981) Pacifist
Progress can be agonizingly slow, especially if the project is large or the individual is young. But time is on our side. Doing a little bit every day to Improve will make the difference. Making a point of seeking the light will result in the beginning of an understanding of Radiance.
Definitions: (1) rising to a higher or more desirable state or value; (2) advancing progress in oneself, another, or a situation; (3) becoming better and better
Synonyms: enhancing, proficient
Comment: Although there are those times when we experience a burst of flourishing growth, most of the time improving is like watching paint dry – sure and steady. It takes time but it looks good, even as it is drying and adding a protective coating. Unlike paint, acquiring qualities continues to grow in beauty beyond the drying time.


Definitions: (1) expressing love, confidence, happiness, and joy; (2) beaming <a radiant smile>; (3) feeling vitality and well-being; (4) emitting light; shining brightly
The truth is inconcussible – forever exempt from all transient vicissitudes, albeit never dead and formal, always vibrant and adaptive – radiantly alive. — The Urantia Book (118:3.3)
• Do not forget, radiance has a source. We see and feel a person’s light and call it radiance. But within their soul is the source of the joy which cannot be confined to a small human shape. Love emanates.
Quantitative matter, no matter a sun or an atom, radiate energy and seek entropy (degradation of energy). Qualitative elements work with an anti-entropic physics. They gain energy; they grow. The more spiritual energy you radiate the more you have to give.

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Positive Qualities – Original & Poised

Dear Folks,
Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions. — Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935) Jurist
We are all Original; each a unique person with a singular history of choices and experiences. Poise is also unique, our manner of carrying the qualities we have attained in our human shaped envelope.
Definitions: (1) first in order; preceding all others; the beginning; (2) arising or proceeding independently; inventive; novel; (3) thinking or acting in an individual or creative manner
A mind that’s afraid to toy with the ridiculous will never come up with the brilliantly original. — David Brin (1950 – ) Brightness Reef
Definitions: (1) composed, dignified, and self‑assured; (2) being in balance or equilibrium
It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function – when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development – that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend… — The Urantia Book (110:6.4)

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Positive Qualities – Materful & Victorious

Dear Folks,
We can discover this meaning in life in three ways: 1) by doing a deed; 2) by experiencing a value; and 3) by suffering.Man’s Search for Meaning (page 176) Dr. Victor Frankl (1905-1997) Psychologist
Our first impression of a word is often the one we hold as its only meaning. One can get the full flavor of a quality by seeing how it is used by many minds. We often think of this week’s qualities in their final stage of accomplishment. It is very rare to jump all the way to the end without going through the steps.
In order to Master our possibilities we must be Victorious in the small things. Progress is the real victory.
Definitions: (1) having the ability or power to control <self or others>; authoritative; (2) showing skill or knowledge proving one as an expert of a subject
Definitions: (1) exalted in having gained the advantage or superiority over negative passions, appetites, or temptations; (2) successful in the accomplishment of a positive goal; fulfilled
Synonyms: triumphant, successful
Symbol: the palm tree
Historic Figure: Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar [El Cid] (1040-1099) was victorious in every battle

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Positive Qualities – Explorative & Flair

Dear Folks,
The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire. — Socrates (470–399 B.C.) Philosopher
We are all blessed with certain fundamental qualities. We come in this world with innocence, curiosity, sweetness, and many others. These are our qualitative starting point. One of these gifts of grace is a knack, an ability, a Flair for something. We usually exhibit it as a child. Good parents notice this natural tendency. They allow and encourage their child to develop it. As we Explore our inner and external environments, we find new ways of being who we are, but also new ways of become who we can be.
Definitions: (1) look into closely; meticulous search; strict or careful examination; (2) willing to travel for purposes of discovery into regions previously unknown or little known
Familial Qualities: adventuresome, curious
Consequential Qualities: experienced, knowledgeable
Definitions: (1) a natural talent, aptitude, or ability; bent; knack; (2) a uniquely attractive quality <as elegance, smartness, or sophistication>; style; (3) instinctive perceptiveness; discernment
How to Live This Quality Today: Notice what qualities your friends have a flair for. Weave that recognition into the conversation. By doing so, you will be building a flair as an artful complimenter.

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Positive Qualities – Facinating & Motivated

Dear Folks,
We become what we think about. — Earl Nightingale (1921-1989) Motivational Speaker
Why is people watching such a Fascinating activity? We all carry our genetics, experiences, attitudes, and Motivations with us. Some of these are manifested on the surface. And if you are a good judge of character, even more is visible.
Definition: to attract by delightful characteristics; captivating; extremely interesting; compelling
Derivation: Latin, “to bewitch,” “to enchant,” “to put under a spell”
Synonyms: alluring, charming, enamoring, enrapturing, entrancing
Comment: If you possess a balanced and broad range of positive qualities, you will be naturally fascinating.
Definitions: (1) furnished with an incentive or a goal; (2) having the power to cause motion; incite, impel
Synonyms: Motive implies an emotion or desire operating on the will and causing it to act; impulse suggests a driving power arising from personal temperament or constitution; incentive applies to an external influence (as an expected reward) that will rouse one to action; inducement suggests a motive prompted by the deliberate enticements or allurements of another; spur applies to a motive that stimulates the faculties or increases energy or ardor.
Balancing Quality: service minded
By their fruits you shall know them. — Jesus of Nazareth (7bc-30ad) The Bible, Matthew 7:20
All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire. — Aristotle (384-322) Greek Philosopher
In gaining an entrance into the kingdom of heaven, it is the motive that counts. My Father looks into the hearts of men and judges by their inner longings and sincere intentions. — Jesus of Nazareth (7bc-30ad) The Urantia Book (140:3.19)
I feel healthy. I feel happy. I feel terrific. I am riding a consistent, persistent wave of good fortune. — William Clement Stone (1902-2002) American Philanthropist
Motivation will take the form of desire or concern.
The Seven Motivating Conditions
1. Love – altruism, encouragement
2. Hope – reward, desire
3. Curiosity – interest
4. Obligation – duty
5. Necessity – protection, survival
6. Fear – guilt, embarrassment, doubt, concern
7. Hate – revenge
The Ladder of Motivation
1. Love
2. Delight
3. Wisdom
4. Need
5. Want
6. Comfort
7. Pleasure
8. Discomfort
9. Restriction of freedom
10. Fear
11. Pain
12. Death
• Keep your motives high, pointed toward your finest ideas and ideals.
• Momentum and inertia: Once you get moving, you have a better chance to continue.
• Variety is the spice of life. Change what you are doing often enough to keep it interesting.
• Repeat your decision often to impress the subconscious mind with the sincerity of your decision.
• How to get up in the morning: Be motivated by something you want to do (internal) or have to do (external).
• The more efficient you are at a task the more that task can be fit into a shorter attention/time span. But the more interesting it is the longer you will be able to continue it.
• The “Just do it” or “Do it now” philosophy implies that you have focused your desires down to one option.
• Motivation is sometimes affected by promises. But then, the one doing the promising must be trustworthy enough to come through on the promise.
• When your motivation is survival, you simply do it. If you can synthesize or juxtapose that level of need with a goal, you will proceed as eagerly as if it were an absolute necessity.
• Sometimes you are convinced by a clever argument or a logical alignment of facts. You compare this information with your inner knowledge and are motivated to act. But if your knowing is confirmed by your inner wisdom, you are more likely to act on it.
• How am I motivated?
• How do I provide motivation?
• How long is my attention span?
On Motivation and Procrastination — Jimmy Calano and Jeff Salzman, founders of CareerTrak seminars, A Course in Winning audio tapes
1. Get started.
2. Plot it out.
3. Break it up.
4. Do the first step immediately to build momentum.
5. Make sure you can do it.
6. Get what you need.
• Tools
• Expertise
• Time
• Intestinal fortitude
7. Remind yourself how good you are. List your accomplishments.
8. Begin each day with the most important and difficult task.
9. Visualize completion.
•Enjoy your achievements
•Go over details
10. Do it for ten minutes.
11. Commit publicly – invite others to monitor your progress.
12. Reward yourself for accomplishment of a specific goal.
13. Become an automaton.
•Just do it
•Put one foot in front of the other
Actions Toward Positive Self‑Motivation — Denis Waitley (1933 – ) American Motivational Speaker, A Course in Winning audio tapes.
1. Replace the words “can’t” and “try” with “can” and “will.”
2. Focus all of your attention and energy on the achievement of the objective that you are involved in right now.
3. Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success.
4. Be solution‑oriented when presented with a problem.
6. Seek and talk to someone this week who is doing what you want to do – and doing it well. Get the facts from them. Learn about other winners in the field. Go to conferences, courses, and seminars. Read books.
7. See yourself enjoying the rewards of your success.
8. Repeat again and again, “I want to—I can. I want to—I can” about your goals.

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Positive Qualities – Indefatigable & Princely

Dear Folks,
We are shaped and fashioned by what we love. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) Poet
These two qualities remind me of my brothers. They are Indefatigable artists. It is in their blood, but more importantly it is in their souls. Maybe they cannot help but see the world in beautiful patterns, but their decisions to share that beauty – and to be the Princes they are – is wonderful to behold.
Definitions: (1) persistent and persevering through difficulty; (2) not exhausted by labor or yielding to weariness; untiring
Synonyms: assiduous, sedulous, unremitting, unwearied
Comment: Positive qualities are like a whole field of pearls of great price. Each is worth an inexhaustible effort.
Definitions: (1) liberal; generous; loyal; (2) befitting a noble prince; rich; imperial; regal
Synonyms: grand, lavish, magnificent, munificent, superb
People Who Exemplify This Quality: Jesus of Nazareth (7bc-30ad) The Prince of Peace

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Positive Qualities – Directed & Significant

Dear Folks,
Great occasions do not make heroes or cowards; they simply unveil them to the eyes. Silently and imperceptibly, as we wake or sleep, we grow strong or weak; and at last some crisis shows what we have become. — Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1901) Theologian
Personality is where our free will resides. We are valuable to the most important Person in the Universe. Each of us is Significant. He gave us the prerogative to Direct our path. Simply look back on what has transpired in your life. How much of it was inner-directed and how much were you reacting to an outside influence. Even if you see you have been pushed hither and yon, you still and always have control of your own attitude.
Definitions: (1) knowing where you are going; having a clear purpose; (2) guided, regulated, or managed <by oneself or by another>
God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left for you. — Paulo Coelho, (1947 – ) The Alchemist
Definitions: (1) a person of value; (2) the self-realization of one’s own worth; self‑esteem; (3) important

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Positive Qualities – Excellent & Sure-handed

Dear Folks,
Remember that your character is your destiny. — Author Unknown
You may consider yourself as Excellent in your own mind, but more likely, if you consider it at all, it is in combination with other qualities. One which is should be paired with is humility in order for the ego not to be overfed, but this week we can join it with Sure-handed. Maybe that will save the glass in the house from being dropped.

Definition: being of the very best quality; exceptionally good; first‑class; of great worth; superior; admirable
Synonyms: choice, prime, sterling, transcendent, worthy
Definition: (1) displaying dexterity with confidence and proficiency; (2) good with money or with any important matter <A mother has to be sure-handed in many areas.>

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Positive Qualities – Determined & Gentlemanly

Dear Folks,
Your desires,
Whether or not your achieve them
Will determine who you become.
Parable of the Sower, Octavia E. Butler (1947-2006) Author
One must be careful with Determination. First be sure the ideas and ideals you aspire to are worthy, with that clarity your Determined focus is warranted.
As we have seen before, there is gender specific language we must use. This week it is the behavior of a Gentleman. If we look behind the words, we will see the qualities they represent.
 Definitions: (1) resolute; unwavering; staunch; (2) having one’s mind made up; decided; resolved
Synonyms: firm, fixed, immovable, settled, steady
Compatible Qualities: The Principles of Kwanzaa: cooperative economics, creativity, faith, purposefulness, self‑determination, teamwork with responsibility, and unity
Too Far: stubbornness, narrow-mindedness
Comment: Once you recognize your desire is worthy, then pursue it with determination.
Definition: pertaining to or becoming courteous, a gracious man with a strong sense of honor; polite; complaisantNote: If you are female, the traits described in the definition are still applicable. Use them.

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