Positive Qualities – Merciful & Peaceful

Dear Folks,
The Fruits of the Spirit: Loving Kindness, Courageous Loyalty, Sincere Fairness, Enlightened Honesty, Undying Hope, Confiding Trust, Merciful Ministry, Unfailing Goodness, Forgiving Tolerance, Enduring Peace — The Urantia Book, Jesus of Nazareth
We have two of the mightiest of values to contemplate this week. Peaceful and Merciful work well together, are essential companions. And they have many sub-qualities which must be in place to make them truly what they can and should be.
Definition: disposed to forgive, be kind, or offer help; tender
Synonyms: Mercy implies compassion that forbears immediate punishment; charity stresses benevolence with tolerant good will and broad understanding of others; clemency implies a mild disposition by one having the power or duty to punish; grace implies a benign attitude and a willingness to grant favors or make concessions; lenity implies lack of severity in punishing.
Mercy is a quality of growth. You should realize that there is a great reward of personal satisfaction in first being just, next fair, then patient, then kind. And then, on that foundation, if you choose and have it in your heart, you can take the next step and really show mercy. — The Urantia Book (28:6.2,4)
Reflection: A person who has done a disservice, dishonor, or wrong will need to make up for this fact. One of the first steps is to apologize. But apology may not be enough. It may be necessary to perform some kind of compensation either to the individual or to the community.
When is the compensation complete? Has the person become one who would not do again what was done? Have they transformed themselves into a trustworthy person?
The person wronged needs to set aside their grievance to judge if the apology is sincere, and if so accept it; then, in due time, grant forgiveness.
Color: blue
Definitions: (1) in a state of mental or physical tranquility, security, or order; (2) quietly behaved; composed; (3) the state of harmony in personal relations; concord between individuals, governments, or organizations; (4) reconciliation between unfriendly parties
Synonyms: calm, friendly, gentle, mild, pacific, repose, serene
Compatible Qualities: compassion, satyagraha
Saying: Pax vobiscum (Latin): “Peace be with you.”

[Merlin:] To plant a garden is the chief of the arts of peace. — Mary Stewart (1916 – ) The Last Enchantment

 If we cannot adjust our differences peacefully we are less than human. — Frank Herbert (1920-1986) Heretics of Dune

Insofar as you have peace in your life, you reflect it into your surroundings and into your world. —Peace Pilgrim [born Mildred Lisette Norman] (1908-1981) Steps Toward Inner Peace

Peace is empowerment, justice, and the struggle for justice. Peace is personal, relational, local, national, international, global. Peace is not found, it is created by continual attention and effort. . . . There is no way to peace, peace is the way. — Abraham J. Muste (1885-1967) American Christian Pacifist

 No leader is going to give us peace, no government, no army, no country. What will bring peace is inward transformation which will lead to outward action. Inward transformation is not isolation, not a withdrawal from outward action. On the contrary, there can be right action only when there is right thinking, and there is no right thinking when there is no self‑knowledge. Without knowing yourself, there is no peace. —    Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) Indian Inspirational Speaker

 There is no greater block to world peace or inner peace than fear. — Peace Pilgrim [born Mildred Lisette Norman] (1908-1981) Steps Toward Inner Peace
Note: Peace Pilgrim goes on to say that what we fear we learn to hate, then we have both fear and hate. Love dissolves them both.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon,
Where there is doubt, faith,
Where there is despair, hope,
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy.
Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
— Saint Francis of Assisi [born Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone] (1181-1226) Founder of the Franciscan Order
Reflection: Are you going to be a warrior or a peacemaker? Now, warriors often make war in the name of peace, but there is a huge difference in conscious intent. If you have the qualities of compassion, gentleness, and concern in your character, they will balance out the qualities of strength, power, and force. It is possible to be a warrior and a peacemaker. In order to be both, one set of qualities need not, cannot, overwhelm the others.
Consideration: In war one is compelled to use the means of war. You must consider the enemy as unworthy of life, that victimized innocent bystanders as necessities of the struggle, that your own comrades are expendable. The use of the most intense power is justified to “win at any cost.”
To be a peacemaker there is a need to get inside the mind and heart of your opponent. You need to want to understand and help them. Your fight is for fairness.
Observation: There will be no lasting peace until people see more security and profit in peace than in offensive or defensive aggression.
Advice: Most of what an argument is about is the different understandings, views, and beliefs about what the ‘facts’ are.
Establish what each party holds to be the facts, but then move on. If there is an argument on these facts, it will go round and round, each side trying to prove its facts are the good facts and the other guy’s facts are bad facts. If the collective view for the future is a vision of peace, the view of the past can be held as objective history, even with opposing facts.
Symbols: 1) the dove; 2) the olive tree; 3) the crane (Japanese)
Color: blue

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Modest & Nonchalant

Dear Folks,
Think of what a better world it would be if we all—the whole world—had cookies and milk about 3 o’clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap. Or if we had a basic policy in our nation and other nations to always put things back where we found them and clean up our own messes. And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together. — Robert Fulghum (1937-)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. As you enjoy this week of busyness, family, and friends, take some time to be Nonchalant. Your holiday may be frantic or Modest. Enjoy all of it.
Definitions: (1) having or showing a moderate or humble opinion of one’s own abilities or achievements; unassuming; (2) shy or reserved; not forward; (3) behaving according to a standard of what is proper or decorous; decent; (4) showing moderation; not extreme or excessive; (5) quiet in appearance or style
Synonyms: becoming, chaste, coy, unobtrusive, virtuous
Definition: calmly unconcerned; unexcited; centered
Familial Quality: cool

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Immaculate & Saved

Dear Folks,
As you supremely desire, so shall you be. — Zoroastrianism
My comment under Immaculate made me think of the purity of a new infant. We come into this world with the gifts we need to move through life: a body and a planet to stand on, a mind with the cosmic discrimination, and a fundamental set of qualities. It is up to us to choose our path.
Although the past tense is being used on this week’s second word, Saved, all of its forms and definitions should be considered. For instance, is it not a form of salvation to be productive and nurturing so your family is protected from the discomforts of an unhealthy environment?
Definitions: (1) perfectly correct; pure; innocent; (2) spotless; unstained; without flaw, blemish, fault, or error
Comment: Although it would be impossible for an adult to honestly consider themselves to be immaculate, it is none-the-less a worthy ambition.
Definitions: (1) rescued from danger or from possible harm or loss; (2) kept safe, intact, or unhurt; safeguarded; secured; (3) kept from being lost; (4) in religion, said of a person whose has seen the way to the truth thus being redeemed from spiritual death
Synonyms: preserved, protected, spared
Symbol: the dolphin {Salvation}

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Positive Qualities – Genuine & Innovative

Happy New Year,
It is a fact that imagination and the power of thought lift men’s souls to heavenly heights. Diodorus Siculus (1st Century B.C.) Greek Historian
These two (Genuine & Innovative) would be a good set of qualities to aspire to for the entire year. Or pick one, two, or three others which resonate with you. We are reinventing ourselves every day. Having a set of high ideals will light the way.
Definitions: (1) sincere and frank; honest and forthright; (2) real; true; authentic; not artificial; not counterfeit <a genuine manuscript>
Synonyms: natural, unadulterated, unaffected, veritable
Comment: When, on the one hand, one seems genuine and honest, but on the other hand, has selfish motives, their true purpose cannot really be known until time clarifies it. However you may be able to see through their facade from the outset. If not, wait patiently, eventually the individual will show themself. Remember the old saying: “Actions speak louder than words.”
Sometimes people say they are motivated by a set of positive qualities and yet are taking steps and actions going against the very qualities they profess to hold in such high regard.
Definition: able to change or alter yourself or the situation by introducing something new
Compatible Quality: cooperative
Discovery consists of seeing what everyone has seen, and thinking what no one has thought.
— Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1893-1986) Hungarian Physiologist, 1937 Nobel Laureate
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Positive Qualities – Presence of Mind & Clever

Dear Folks,
Whatever the mind is taught to expect, that it will build, produce, and bring forth for you. The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, Catherine Ponder (1927-) Minister, Author
The mind is a very flexible tool. We can dump information into it, sort and separate what we have learned, come up with new and Clever ideas, and take imaginative trips. We can teach it to have Presence of Mind. It is hardwired with the fundamental ability to know the difference between fact and fantasy, right and wrong, and – best of all – it recognizes values: good, better, and best.
            PRESENCE OF MIND
Definition: able to think clearly and act quickly and intelligently <especially in an emergency>; cool, alert, and ready under pressure; quick-witted
Compatible Qualities: creative, risible
Comment: Presence of mind is a quality of “practical smarts.” It includes flexibility and ready retrieval of information. But it is also the ability to put things together in new ways. In addition it implies a sense of timing, with an appreciation of the subtlety of what others perceive.
Suggestion: Recognize, in the present, what effect your actions are having upon the situation, and then act accordingly.
Definitions: (1) mentally quick and resourceful; quick‑witted; astute; bright; (2) skillful or adroit in using the hands or body; nimble; dexterous; talented; (3) something ingeniously or expertly made, said, or done
Parental Qualities: courage, curiosity
Symbol: the fox

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Fair & Relaxed

Dear Folks,
Share everything. Play fair. Don’t hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life. Learn some, and think some and draw and plan and sing and dance and play and work every day some. — Robert Fulghum (1937-) Elementary Solutions
Life is not inherently Fair. It is up to each of us to bring that quality into it. Some things and values have been given to us by the gifts of nature and grace, others we have the privilege of creating within the flow of subjective reality. Often it is difficult, and yet just as often if we just Relax and trust, the answers will come to mind.
Definitions: (1) all sides treating each other impartially; just; equitable; (2) pleasing to the eye or mind <especially because of fresh, charming, or flawless traits>; lovely; beautiful; attractive; (3) free from anything which might impair the appearance, quality, or character; clean; pure; (4) pleasant and courteous; civilSynonyms: candid, clear, frank, honest, open, reasonable, unprejudiced
Comment: Every circumstance cannot be fair, but if all parties enter a situation with an attitude of fairness, they will have a better chance of ending up with a satisfactory outcome for all. Take into consideration not only a concern for your interests, but also a healthy concern for the other person’s interests.
Definitions: (1) possessing an easy manner; informal; (2) free from or relieved of tension or anxiety
Too Far: lax, lazy
Saying: En pantoufles (French): “In slippers” [at ease, informal]
The Quick Crisis Escape
There are situations in which you find yourself overloaded. You are tense, uncomfortable, and wishing you could just be someplace else, or at least in a more relaxed state, but you can’t. It could be a test at school, an important game, or a half dozen people have to have their report done right now. Neither your fight nor flight mechanisms are appropriate. The only thing left is flow. You don’t have time for your usual, tried and true relaxation method, but you’ve just got to cool out.
Here’s what you do. First, you don’t get anything for free. There is some preparation necessary. So you condition yourself to be momentarily, and quickly, transported to a special inner place of peace and strength. While you are there, you trigger an intensely positive, and thus relaxing, experience focused into a few very powerful moments. It is best to use a real historical event in a very exceptional place. When you do have the time, enhance the experience to keep it fresh with regular practice. As you re‑experience this wonderfully uplifting place, you are creating an “energy gem” – a feeling you can release with full clarity and force on a designated clue. This gem is packed with sharp, familiar information encompassing all six of senses. The more complete your inner experience, the more intense will be its release.
It is important the external environment of your special place be very satisfactory, but also it must include a rich internal landscape. Feel your true and most valuable qualities. And, depending upon the situation, incorporate a prime quality that would be just right to infuse into the environment at hand. You know your wants and desires. You know when you are comfortable and happy. Use these criteria as friends. Bring them back with you into even the most difficult situations.
Connect the release to a common physical and socially acceptable action, such as rubbing your eyes or the back of your neck, stretching, or a few deep breaths. It is best if you can close your eyes for at least a few seconds, to close down all external information and release the internal experience into your being. This is no luxurious soak; it is a sudden wave. Your body, mind, and spirit will be fooled into staying where you have just been. The people around you need not know you just took a delightful and powerful little trip.
Things To Help Relaxation:
• Cuddles
• Massage
• Flotation
• Laughter
• Hot water
• Being in a safe situation
• A diversion – something familiar
• A diversion – something different
• Being with somebody you like and are comfortable with
Colors: blue, turquoise, violet
Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Laudable & Stylish

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Joyful Kwanzaa, Blessed Solstice,
Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you.Islam, Muhammad, The Farewell Sermon
Here’s hoping your holidays are filled with Style. Laud the Lord.
Definition: praiseworthy; commendable
How to Live This Quality Today: Do what you are supposed to do.
Definitions: (1) characterized by or conforming to the current fashion; smart or chic; (2) a unique combination of charming elements; individualistic
Synonyms: elegant, fashionable
Style is the dress of thought. Style is the outward manifestation of our inner spirituality.
— Reverend Leo Booth (1946 – ) British-American Author, Say Yes to Your Spirit
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Positive Qualities – Moderate & Tractable

Dear Folks,
Our brains develop according to the mental activities that we engage in intensely. . . . [T]here is opportunity for the development of a different perception of reality. — Anton Zeilinger, (1945 – ) Quantum Physicist
As a society we tend to give the greatest accolades and rewards to those with aggressive qualities, the bold and the brave. Yet a Moderate and balanced set of qualities give a person the most attractive and harmonious soul. Be willing to learn. Tractable is a foundation quality.
Definitions: (1) keeping within reasonable bounds; temperate; sober; steady; avoiding excesses and extremes; (2) mild; calm; gentle; nonviolent
Saying: Meden agan (Greek); Ne quid nimis (Latin): “Nothing in excess”
Definitions: (1) easily taught; malleable; (2) allowing oneself to be managed; compliant; docile
• It is a pleasure for a teacher to see a student striving to learn. Those students (gifted or not) who apply themselves are the most satisfying.
• It is a great joy for managers to have on their team people who are professional – people who are willing to cooperate within the team as well as take initiative on their own.
• In our culture we have a funny mix. We value both independence as well as strict adherence to social convention. Sometimes it is wise to keep your mouth shut, and other times to ask questions.

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Merry & Venturesome

Dear Folks,
Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. — The Dalai Lama
One who is Venturesome derives great please from the new, and difficult, experience. There is risk in life, and if we can assess it in a Merry light, we may be able to take it as it comes. No matter the experience, we learn from it.
Definitions: (1) full of fun and laughter; lively and mirthful; joyous; (2) marked by cheerfulness or festivity
Synonyms: blithe, jocund, jolly, jovial, sportive, sprightly, vivacious, merry‑andrew
Note: The term “merry‑andrew” <one whose business it is to make fun of others> is said to have originated with one Andrew Borde (c. 1 490-1549 ) , a physician in the time of Henry VIII (1 491-1547 ) , who attracted attention and gained patients by making facetious speeches.
Saying: Gaudeamus igitur (Latin): “Let us then be merry.”
Proverb: A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance. — The Bible, Proverbs 15:13
Mythological Figure: Momus , the Greek god of laughter
Definition: prone to taking risks in spite of possible danger or loss; eager for adventure; daring
Synonyms: bold, brave, courageous, intrepid
Compatible Quality: lucky
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