Dear Folks,
When you correct your mind, everything else falls into place. — Lao Tse (ca 604–531 B.C.) Taoism, Philosopher
I am Mindful of the vast differences we possess: young to old, foolish to wise, simple minded to brilliant, primitive to enlightened, etc. Yet positive qualities run throughout our collective mindscape. I will you all Good Will.
Definition: regarding with care; bearing in mind; heedful; observant; watchful; attentive; aware
The mind is the connecting link between the formed and the unformed world. — Catherine Ponder (1927 – ) The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity
Comment: One of the mind’s purposes is to be a vector, to point a direction by first, posing questions and then, by comparing what we say we want to do to what we actually do.
Definitions: (1) friendly disposition; benevolence; (2) cheerful consent; willing
Saying: Good will to all. — A Christmas wish
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