Definitions: (1) resolute; unwavering; staunch; (2) having one’s mind made up; decided; resolved
Synonyms: dispositive <settled to the satisfaction of all parties>, firm, fixed, stable, steady, steely
Compatible Qualities: The Principles of Kwanzaa: cooperative economics, creativity, faith, purposefulness, self-determination, teamwork with responsibility, and unity
Too Far: stubbornness, narrow-mindedness
• Ride out the hard times.
• Soldier on through thick and thin.
Idiom: Put your mind too it.
• We will find a way, and if there is no way, we will make one. — Hannibal Barca (247-183 bc) Carthaginian general
• We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. — James Cleveland “Jesse” Owens (1913-1980) American Olympic gold medal winner
Comment: Once you recognize your desire is worthy, then pursue it with determination.