

Definitions: (1) characterizes one who advances an idea or enhances the progress of a project <usually with the cooperation of others>; (2) ability to influence, exert authority

Balancing Quality: the ability to listen

Compatible Qualities: humility, mercy, self-correcting

Familial Quality: experienced

Too Far: bossy, domineering

Way Too Far: tyrannical

• If I had to choose one quality to distinguish the best new leaders, it is “openness to criticism,” the passion for continual self-development, which teaches the leader to value the development of others. — Michael MacCoby (1933-2022) The Leader {1981}
• If you think about it, people love others not for who they are, but for how they make us feel. We willingly follow others for much the same reason. In order to willingly accept the direction of another individual, it must feel good to do so. — Irwin Federman (1936-) President and CEO, Monolithic Memories

• One of the hard to develop, but essential, qualities of a leader is the ability to overcome obstacles.
• If a person takes the responsibility, he or she has to expect others will want to assess reward or blame for success or failure. The good leader will have included the group in the decisions leading to the outcome.
• There are different types of leader-follower relationships: sergeant-private, teacher-student, manager-employee, parent-child: all have different degrees of learning, risk, control, intention, and care involved. The situation and the individuals dictate what pressures, handholding, and nudging are needed.
• The lubricant between a leader and a team is dialogue, communication. A leader has to be sensitive to, and find out, what the expectations of the others are. An individual or a group can give up their individual judgment to the leader, but only if it is specifically needed and agreed to be the right thing to do.
     Each person should be willing to give the leader support with his or her opinions, ideas, and forgiveness.
• Consider time in your leadership duties. What are the deadlines? Can you afford to teach someone to do a task or must you get someone who already has the skill?
     It is optimum to let people push whatever edges they can. If possible, make time for the group to get in sync. The time to get everyone up to speed may be longer, but in the end the reward is increased cohesiveness, consistency, safety, and efficiency. This team, for the next project, is moving forward faster as a unit.

Once a team decision is made do five things:
     1) Commit to it even if you don’t agree with it entirely.
      2) Be sure all of the members of the team are likewise committed.
     3) Make a group plan on how to achieve the goal.
     4) Decide who the decision will affect and let them know before they get broadsided.
      5) Expect adjustments to be needed as time goes on.

Advice: Lead by questioning, by asking for suggestions and by seeking consensus. Make it obvious each member of the team is valuable. Encourage participation and risk taking.

Admonition: If you ask for input, respond to it.