Positive Qualities – Presence of Mind & Clever

Dear Folks,
Whatever the mind is taught to expect, that it will build, produce, and bring forth for you. The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, Catherine Ponder (1927-) Minister, Author
The mind is a very flexible tool. We can dump information into it, sort and separate what we have learned, come up with new and Clever ideas, and take imaginative trips. We can teach it to have Presence of Mind. It is hardwired with the fundamental ability to know the difference between fact and fantasy, right and wrong, and – best of all – it recognizes values: good, better, and best.
            PRESENCE OF MIND
Definition: able to think clearly and act quickly and intelligently <especially in an emergency>; cool, alert, and ready under pressure; quick-witted
Compatible Qualities: creative, risible
Comment: Presence of mind is a quality of “practical smarts.” It includes flexibility and ready retrieval of information. But it is also the ability to put things together in new ways. In addition it implies a sense of timing, with an appreciation of the subtlety of what others perceive.
Suggestion: Recognize, in the present, what effect your actions are having upon the situation, and then act accordingly.
Definitions: (1) mentally quick and resourceful; quick‑witted; astute; bright; (2) skillful or adroit in using the hands or body; nimble; dexterous; talented; (3) something ingeniously or expertly made, said, or done
Parental Qualities: courage, curiosity
Symbol: the fox

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