Self-Serving Service Providers

All the chatter on the message boards during the outage slowly got around to the subject of switching to Linux; there is no way such a thing could ever happen to Linux users. This is not what Microsoft wants to read, especially on its own forums. The Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) plan became a genuine disadvantage over the weekend when the server that verified users went down and began to disable operating systems around the world.
A hacker attack on the WGA servers could shut down literally millions of machines whose users stupidly subscribed to this supposed “advantage,” which does little more than look for pirated copies of the OS. If this WGA were designed right in the first place, the computers that found the server inoperative when they checked in to it should have internal code that validates their OS until the server comes back up. Maybe it is too hard for Microsoft’s 20,000 coders to manage this sort of thing. Too logical.
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