Air-entrained Concrete


In Mexico they say: “we build our homes so we have to go outside in the summer to be fresh, and in the winter we go outside to catch the rays of sun to be warm.” And so, the search is on for a concrete mix that is strong with a high insulation value.

Air-entrained concrete contains billions of microscopic air cells per cubic foot. These air pockets relieve internal pressure on the concrete by providing tiny chambers for water to expand into when it freezes. Air-entrained concrete is produced using air-entraining portland cement, or by the introduction of air-entraining agents, under careful engineering supervision, as the concrete is mixed on the job. The amount of entrained air is usually between four and seven percent of the volume of the concrete, but may be varied as required by special conditions.

Perlite concrete aggregate combined with Portland cement, air entraining agent, and water produces an ultra lightweight concrete that is used for insulating roof decks and lightweight floor fills, insulating structural roof decks, curtain wall systems and for a variety of permanent insulating applications. An air-entraining agent is used to improve the workability and to control water content and insulation value. Perlite concrete may be more accurately defined as concrete containing a minimum of 20 cubic feet of perlite concrete aggregate per cubic yard.

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