
Seeds Of Victory and The Wartime Garden

As I was grocery shopping on the day before a scheduled boycott that has been billed as The Economic Blackout, every price displayed seemed to highlight the economic warfare that has been thrust upon us. From a wide range of unhealthy beverage offerings that push High Fructose Corn Syrup, to the price gouging on corn … Read more

Edification and Education at the Intersection of Democracy and Pedagogy

Introduction: Understanding the Intersection Of Democracy And Pedagogy Understanding the intersection of democracy and pedagogy demands an exploration into how educational practices and democratic ideals mutually inform and transform one another. This confluence represents a dynamic relationship wherein education becomes both a foundational tool for promoting democratic values and a reflective process informed by the … Read more

Unique Synergies: Charitable Corporations and Employee Owned Benefit Corporations

This article was informed by the design criteria for the organizations described at and Introduction To Non-Profit Charitable Corporations Non-profit charitable corporations are essential entities within the social sector, functioning to address a myriad of societal challenges by harnessing collective effort and resources towards public benefit objectives. Unlike for-profit corporations, which focus on … Read more

The Arts and Sciences of Net-Weaving

Understanding The Basics Of SEO: Keywording And Cross-Linking Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a vital component of digital marketing, and understanding its basics is crucial for anyone looking to improve their website’s visibility and performance in search engine results. Keywording and cross-linking are two fundamental practices within SEO that can significantly enhance a website’s search … Read more

Prosperity Gospel or Mammon Worship?

The Prosperity Gospel, also known as the “health and wealth gospel,” is a modern Christian movement that asserts faith in God and positive speech can lead to financial success and physical well-being. Rooted in Pentecostal traditions from the early 20th century, this doctrine has gained significant traction, particularly within evangelical circles. Proponents believe that divine … Read more

The Supreme Court of the United States

This series of briefings is about ways to insure that government of, by, and for the people shall not perish from the earth. The first seven compact briefings in this series are each just a little over three minutes and keyed to one of the seven governing principles articulated within the Enacting Clause (Preamble), of … Read more

Defining Legitimacy

Make no mistake. When certain nominees for the Supreme Court engaged in deceptive practices during their confirmation hearings to win their form-fitting seats, it was they who undermined the legitimacy of the Court. And when, after the dark money funded nominations and confirmations, they go on to accept special accommodations, with individuals and companies that … Read more

Taking a Bribe to Take a Dive

Is there still time to pull our democratic republic out of the nose dive that John Roberts and the other wackadoodle wing-nuts on the Supreme Court have accelerated? The short answer is ‘yes.’ But, in order to do that, the general public will have to get real focused real fast. This requires at least a … Read more

The Constitutional Buffet

Placing the separation of powers above the nation’s need for complementary powers and balance of power was just the latest in a series of foolish ideas originating within the bowels of the United States Supreme Court. The right wing’s confusion about what the Constitution implies, as opposed to what malign actors infer, has become a … Read more

Enemies of the State

It is rumored that John Robert’s most cherished possession is a letter he received on the day he graduated from law school. It features a letterhead that bears the Federalist Society’s logo and the opening salutation reads “Dear Wormwood.” Actually I just made that up. But I did it to underscore the fact that the … Read more