
Well, does it?

Fortunately there are people that have ventured beyond the question of whether the refrigerator light actually goes off when the door is closed. And they have developed a more energy efficient lighting system for refrigerator cabinets. Now you might be asking: “Why is his a priority? Did they conclude it stays on?” The new LED … Read more

When gas was thirty five cents per gallon and

Prior to the OPEC Embargo of the 1970s, Dubai was a fishing village. When our politicians were killing off the alternative energy programs during that same decade, there began a wholesale transfer of wealth out of the United States. Now that the equity draw-down is almost complete, your elected representatives want you to believe that … Read more

Ferrocement Technology in EcoOca, Brazil

Ferrocement is a technique that combines the flexibility of iron (steel) and the resistance of cement. It facilitates the building of many interesting forms: round, circular; globular, spherical; cylindrical; curved … and straight and angular of course. Here this is being used to construct a water treatment tank in EcoOca – Brazil. [youtube=] AEVIA

Counting Each Nail’s Carbon Cost

“The Labour-led government believes New Zealand should aim to be the world’s first truly sustainable nation,” Building and Construction Minister Clayton Cosgrove said. “We know the way we design our buildings and homes will be central to that effort. “Every building component, even the humble nail, has a carbon cost, or simply the amount of … Read more

Solar Power Commercial Market

The sun has produced energy for billions of years. Solar energy is the solar radiation that reaches the earth. This energy can be converted directly or indirectly into other forms of energy, such as heat and electricity. It is used for heating water for domestic use, space heating of buildings, drying agricultural products, and generating … Read more

Does it pay to be green?

In manufacturing terms, exponential population growth means more factories taking up more land, using more raw materials, and allowing more emissions and waste into the environment. Demand for products and services will grow, but the availability of supplies isn’t guaranteed. Competition for Earth’s finite resources will heat up and it’s easy, yet unsettling, to imagine … Read more

Carbon Trust grants £1m to boost low carbon technologies

The seven projects to receive funding from the Carbon Trust are: * Aluminium smelting technology with the potential to reduce energy consumption by up to 20% – Coventry University* Technology to explode paint into moulds, eliminating the need for paint shops in the manufacture of plastic components – Warwick Manufacturing Group* Energy efficient kilns, which … Read more

Energy for Sustainability

The Energy for Sustainability program supports fundamental research and education in energy production, conversion, and storage and is focused on energy sources that are environmentally friendly and renewable. Sources of sustainable energy include sunlight, wind, and biomass. Hydrogen and alcohols are potential energy carriers that can be derived from renewable sources. Research to produce and … Read more