Facing Life

A discouraged and downcast fellow, struggling with obstacles and fighting with failures, will often deliberately attribute all his misfortune and difficulties to some trifling mistake in his youth, or to some insignificant blunder or minor transgression in later life. There recently came into our clinic a young man whose life was a perfect failure; he … Read more

Cosmic Allurements

Somehow, in all this, the significant destiny of man begins dimly to be seen—only dimly, indeed, for the ultimate destiny is doubtless beyond us. But dimly we can see man, the curious dreamer of dreams, casting his dreams ahead of him—catching up to them—and again casting them ahead. —H. A. Overstreet (1931)

The Quotient of a Lifetime

Renunciation really taught a great life-policy, though no one was aware of it. It is the method, in its refined form, of increasing life’s fraction by lowering the denominator of demands instead of striving always to increase the numerator of satisfactions. It comes to be one of the great life-philosophies. —Sumner & Keller (1927)

A Taxing Legacy

The boastful records of a Rameses III are worthy of credence. In a reign of thirty-three years, he had given to the various temples 113,433 slaves, 493,386 head of cattle, 88 barks and galleys, and 2,756 golden images. Further contributions were 331,702 jars of incense, honey, and oil; 228,380 jars of wine and drink; 680,714 … Read more