
Spray on Photovoltaics?

Discoveries in nanotechnology have led to what many consider the next generation of solar technology: ultra-thin amorphous silicon, organic and inorganic solar cells derived from nanocrystals that convert sunlight into electricity at a fraction of the cost of silicon-based solar cells. They are also more flexible, less brittle, and can even be painted onto structures, … Read more

Magnetic levitation promises huge efficiency gains in wind power generation

The common windmill design used to capitalize on air currents, while centuries old, operates at around 1% efficiency in terms of the power it harvests from the wind, due to the deflective blade design and friction losses. But a new technology unveiled last year in China seeks to dramatically boost the output of wind-driven generators … Read more

Israeli researcher discovers new fungus that could provide low-cost alternative fuel

Dr. Amir Sharon of Tel Aviv University has discovered a transgenic fungus strong enough to convert even the most resilient plant parts into bioethanol, a chemical used for biofuel. Strengthened with an anti-death gene, this fungus is resistant to harsh conditions such as heat and toxic substances – both of which are released while converting … Read more

The New Cooperative Movement In Venezuela’s Bolivarian Process

The cooperative production model has increasingly come to define the development strategies of the “Bolivarian Revolution.” In its August 2005 report, SUNACOOP registered a total of 83,769 cooperatives, with more than 40,000 cooperatives created in 2004 and almost 30,000 more cooperatives formed in the first eight months of 2005. The total number of associates in … Read more

Green revolutionary blasts opponents of biotechnology

In an era of war and global terrorism, Nobel laureate Norman Borlaug sees agriculture as an instrument of peace.Though he’s revered as a peacemaker, this pugnacious 90-year-old is quick to wrestle with procrastinating bureaucrats in third-world countries, and he’s worked tirelessly to convince kings and presidents of the value of his agricultural advancements. These days, … Read more

Learning Business Beyond Books

It has been a year since farming operations in Ceballos’ small lot in Caloocan began. At only 200 sq.m., the area is obviously small for commercial production. But the young entrepreneur used the financial grants anyway to build a greenhouse and assemble a Nutrient Film Technique-driven hydroponic system in the family backyard. Throughout the course … Read more