
Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: n his second epistle to the various Churches in Asia Minor, Peter writes: “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” In Genesis we read: On the first day He said “Let there be … Read more

Misplaced Faith

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: I recently read an article by Valerie Tarico, a psychologist and writer who describes herself as having “a passion for personal and social evolution.” It was written for people she describes as having left biblical Christianity behind. She suggested “that popular Christian versions of … Read more

God’s Handiwork

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: There is a crater on the moon named after William Francis Gray Swann. He is widely recognized for his research into cosmic rays and high-energy physics. His book, The Architecture of the Universe, was published in 1934. In that seminal work Swann, referring to … Read more

The Arrow of Light

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: At about 10 years of age Cub Scouts enter into a pact summed up by the acronym WEBELOS which unpacked stands for We’ll Be Loyal Scouts. Fourth grade boys work toward a Webelos Badge, while Fifth Graders work toward what’s called an Arrow of … Read more

The Yoke

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: A yoke originally referred to a wooden frame. It could be fitted to a person’s shoulders to help them carry a load in two equal portions. It was used to join two animals, such as oxen, to help them work together. It refers to … Read more

Church Lady

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: One of my favorite TV characters was the Church Lady on Saturday Night Live. Her facial expression had all the warmth of a descending hatchet and appeared as though it was ultimately achieved through a lifetime of sucking on green persimmons. To many of … Read more


Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: I recall reading long ago that the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven are sincerity, more sincerity, and more sincerity. That really didn’t resonate with me at first because I believed then, as I do now, that we are justified by faith and faith … Read more

The Nuclear Family

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: Trinities, triunities, and triodities are visible throughout the observable universes. In the disciplinary practices of all sentient beings; facts, meanings, and values come to mind in ways that cause us to ask ourselves: “What is it?” – “What does that mean?” – “Is it, … Read more

Race Wars

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: The territory of northern Oklahoma had been established for the resettlement of Native Americans that had been subjected to a forced march along the Trail of Tears from the southeastern United States. Once admitted as a state in 1907, the newly created state legislature … Read more

A Qualitative Ring

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: There is a certain wisdom embodied in the old joke: “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans for the future.” Lest we get too uppity we should remember that whenever human beings, rely exclusively upon human ingenuity for advancing a … Read more