Deep Abiding Devotion


The Aevia Group and Ascension University are organizing Curricular Focus Teams in an ongoing effort to insure the essential curriculum is always given the proper attention in course development. Deep Abiding Devotion (DAD), is one such curriculum management component and the team and will operate as part of the School for Service to All.
The philosophical and spiritual overtones focus specifically on the meaning and value of Unselfish Devotion as characterized by Divine Guidance, Patient Foresight, and Supportive Encouragement.
The managerial and scientific focus is concentrated on facts concerning the nurturing role of fathers and others engaged in the role of child rearing.
In November of 2008, the Lead Trustee for the soon to be established Aevia Charitable Trust (The ACT), gave a talk on the importance of remaining teachable. The talk included the following statement:

Appreciation must be carefully cultivated. A deep abiding devotion is patient. And those who lovingly nurture and teach wait for the teachable moment. When we arrive at that place where echoes shine and reflections ring, then we will know something about the path to enlightenment.

Winning souls cleanly is what counts. It is accomplished without coercion, compulsion or deception. We enter the Kingdom through faith. Fear is an unworthy motivator for no Heavenly covenant is secured under duress. Whether we win or lose in such cases is entirely dependent on the free will of the person that would be re-born. But it is also mightily influenced by our clear intent, our true motivation and our willingness to go the extra mile in the spiritual equivalent of neonatal care. Just how intensive such care should be is always a matter for extensive prayer.

You can listen to or download the full audio of this keynote address here:

Deep Abiding Devotion

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© 2011 The Aevia Charitable Trust — Robert H. Kalk – Lead Trustee

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