Enemies of the State

It is rumored that John Robert’s most cherished possession is a letter he received on the day he graduated from law school. It features a letterhead that bears the Federalist Society’s logo and the opening salutation reads “Dear Wormwood.”

Actually I just made that up. But I did it to underscore the fact that the Chief Justice’s treatment of the Dissenting Opinions in the case Trump versus United States is a Master Class in the art of deception. It selectively amplifies, filters, and contextualizes the objections raised to create a false impression. And, were I to probe his motives, I would likely conclude that Roberts wanted to include that treatment and effectively preclude or simply dissuade undisciplined readers from doing a proper examination of either the thirty page Sotomayor Dissent or the twenty two page Jackson Dissent.

Like William Barr’s “summary” of the Mueller Report or the letters that Donald Trump wanted the Justice Department to send to the States alleging election fraud, Roberts indulged his go along to get along mentality even in light of the fact that the then acting Attorney General, Jeffery Rosen, did not. In matters of character, and the tenets of true statesmanship, Chief Roberts stands apart in stark contrast and striking relief.

The corrosive influence of dark money on the democracy underpinnings of our constitutional republic is the political equivalent of tar and nicotine. That sound you hear is the wheezing of Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam. For the plan devised long ago by Lewis Powell, to influence every judicial decision by corrupt SCOTUS Justices, has been a success by every measure. As the Supreme Court struggles to catch a breath of fresh air and reclaim at least some legitimacy, the smoke and mirrors it has leveraged against a plane of unreality continues to distract the governed. And now their informed consent has effectively been nullified by the Court’s unrelenting artifice infusion.

Roberts, with reckless abandon, has turned the Separation of Powers Doctrine into a shield for criminality. Rather than use it to protect the public interest, he has advanced the idiotic notion that Justice “may not inquire into the President’s motives.” And the Roberts spin on the precedent setting decision concerning the Nixon tapes now bars investigators from using “Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers” and prohibits “probing such conduct” insuring that it “may not be admitted as evidence at trial.”

To add insult to the nation’s injury, John Roberts in his Opinion on Trump versus The United States drove a stake into the heart of the country when he referenced a quote from George Washington’s Farewell Address. The Roberts Opinion included the following:

A government “too feeble to withstand the enterprises of faction,” he warned, could lead to the “frightful despotism” of “alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge.” — And the way to avoid that cycle, he explained, was to ensure that government powers remained “properly distributed and adjusted.”

The adjustment layer that Roberts excised and excavated under was previously vested in the independence of the Justice Department.

When the Supreme Court can be packed and hyper-politicized, over the course of one presidential term, with individuals who actively engaged in deceptive practices during their confirmation hearings, it sends danger signals to the entire nation. The prevailing public perception is entirely correct. We have had judges forced upon us that have no fidelity to their oaths, no affinity for the truth, and no reverence for those constitutional imperatives that The Supreme Court itself has put asunder.

The hero of today’s hard right, Joseph Goebbels, again defined the true aim of such moral inversion influencers with the statement:

“We shall reach our goal, when we have the power to laugh as we destroy, as we smash, whatever was sacred to us as tradition, as education, and as human affection.”

It is in this way, the so-called conservative majority on the Supreme Court has demonstrated, they are actually the conservators of nothing. And, the Chief Justice has become a junior tempter trying to corrupt the soul of his Patient. Unfortunately, that Patient in the immediate case is the United States of America. And, now that the majority on the Supreme Court has largely abandoned its highly selective historical analogues schtick in favor of their natural inclination towards judicial activism, the country sits stupefied.

It has become a matter of utmost urgency that the Court be expanded to twenty-one Justices without further delay. It is not enough merely to match the number of Justices to the number of Judicial Circuits, for the backwards people making up the Majority have clearly demonstrated they are creatures of partisan politics; posturing, prevaricating, and prostituting themselves in ways that are offensive to the public interest.

Only a Court large enough, featuring a widely distributed grounding that can resist the upheaval of seismic political shifts, can fulfill its obligations in accordance with the judicial and constitutional oath. Only a court of sentience, with integrity at its center, can move us away from the present orgy of darkness and death onward and upward into a new era of light and life.

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