2b Nature & Attributes: Quotes, Poem, Your list


God is love. (1 John 4:8; 4:16) — The Bible, New Testament {70 AD}

Truly is God plenteous in goodness. — Islamic {610 AD}

There is not a single place in all the corners of the universe where God is absent. — Ōmoto-kyō [An offshoot of Shinto who teach the achievement of personal virtue is a step toward universal harmony.]

God is beautiful and loves beauty. (19a) — Muhammad (c. 570-632 AD) The Hadith
He (God) is the merciful and the compassionate. {His} mercy embraces all things. (7.156) He has created the heavens and the earth with truth. (16.3) — The Qur’an, Islamic {7th century AD}

He (God) is the Sole Supreme Being; of eternal manifestation; Creator, Immanent Reality; Without Fear, Without Rancor; Timeless Form; Unincarnated; Self-existent; Realized by the grace of the Holy Preceptor. (page 1) — Guru Granth Sahib, The Mul Mantar, Sikhism {16th century AD}

The heart is a sanctuary at the center of which there is a little space, wherein the Great Spirit dwells, and this is the Eye. This is the Eye of the Great Spirit by which He sees all things, and through which we see Him. If the heart is not pure, the Great Spirit cannot be seen. He hears whatever is in our minds and hearts, and it is not necessary to speak to Him in a loud voice. — Black Elk [born Heȟáka Sápa](1863–1950) Oglala Lakota holy man

All things come from, and belong to, the One Supreme God – all-wise, good, righteous, holy, resplendent, and glorious. This, our Lord of Lights, is the source of all luminosity. He is the Creator, the God of all good purposes, and the protector of the justice of the universe. God is our most adorable and righteous friend; He is our wisdom, life, and vigor of soul and body. Through our good thinking the Wise Creator will enable us to do His will, thereby attaining the realization of all that is divinely perfect. — Zoroaster (C. 1,000 BC) Zoroastrianism {6th century BC}

God is unlimited in power, divine in nature, final in will, infinite in attributes, eternal in wisdom, and absolute in reality. (3:2.15); God is the only stationary, self-contained, and changeless being in the whole universe of universes, having no outside, no beyond, no past, and no future. (4.4.1); [God’s] freewill acts are conditioned only by those divine qualities and perfect attributes which inherently characterize His eternal nature. (4:4.3); God is approachable, the Father is attainable, the way is open; the forces of divine love and the ways and means of divine administration are all interlocked in an effort to facilitate [your] advancement. (5:1.8); As pertains to eternal survival, God has decreed the sovereignty of the material and mortal will, and that decree is absolute. (5:6.8); God is the eternal passport to the endless possibility of infinity itself. (106:9.11) — The Urantia Book {1955}

God is our protector; he stands by the side of His creatures. God is our sure leader and unfailing guide. He is our faithful and eternal helper. They who know God is enthroned in the human heart are destined to become like Him – immortal. Virtue alone walks by our side as we journey ever onward toward the gladsome and sunlit fields of Paradise. — Hinduism {c. 1,200 BC}

The God of providence is our Father. His eternal knowledge is divinely wise. God is truth. It is the desire of God that His creatures should understand Him – come fully to know the truth. Truth is eternal; it sustains the universe. Our supreme desire shall be union with the Supreme.
     For each and every form He is The Model; it is His form that is to be seen everywhere. (6.47.18) — The Rig Veda {c. 1,200 BC} Hinduism

The Supreme creates all things, in nature nourishing them and in spirit perfecting them. The Supreme fosters, protects, and perfects the creature without compelling him. He guides and directs without self-assertion. He ministers progression without domination. You have only to go along with Virtue in your actions, to follow The Way in your journey, and already will you be there. — Chuang Tzu (c. 369 BC) Taoism {c. 1.600 BC}

In the beginning was God.
Today is God.
Tomorrow will be God.
Who can make an image of God? He has no body.
He is as a word which comes out of your mouth. That word!
It is no more, It is past, and still it lives!
So is God.
— Pygmy Hymn

God is our Universal Father and our providential Mother.
God decided to be the uncaused cause of a majestic expansion of Himself.
God’s motive is absolute love.
We are all brothers and sisters in his vast family.
God is sublimely generous and He shares his gifts with all who will serve.

His thought is the pattern upon which all things are formed.
He is the force behind all energy.
He is the source of all prime reality: matter, mind, and spirit.
God is the glorious creator of all that is true, beautiful, and good.

God is self-aware of all His perfect attributes.
Since He is all-wise, His qualities have an all-encompassing unity and are in perfect harmony.
His mind is infinite and His law is infallible.
God’s integrity is beyond reproach.
He is trustworthy and consistent.
Because God is an everywhere spirit He is engaged in all life. He is life.
God sees all, knows all and transcends all.
The Father is worthy of contemplation and emulation.
He deserves veneration.
He is the one great mystery and yet He is touchingly intimate with each of his children.
He is omnipotent yet He is as approachable as a dazzling sunset.
God is eternally changeless but His divine will is versatile in all that needs adjusting.
He upholds the stars in the heavens and the electrons in their place.
He insures the coming together of everything and everyone to form a cohesive single reality.

He bestows Himself to us in order that He may reveal his sublime value to us.
God is central to all identity.
He is thoughtful of all our needs.
When we ask, He is there as a helper.
When we grieve, He is there as a comforter.
When we wonder, He is our illuminator.
When we are boring He invites us to seek something interesting.
When we need security, He is our protector even our savior.
When we are lost, He shows us the light and says, ‘this is the way.’
When we are alone, He holds us gently and gives us peace.
We can count on God being a pure and stable source of grace.
He has organized the righteous road for us to take to reach Him.
His justice is objective and inevitable yet He is patient, fair, and kind.
His mercy is personal and positive.
He is an understanding sovereign and yet a faithful friend.
He responds to our sincere prayers and reads the heart of our petitions.
When we decide to be like Him, He inspires our progress and insures our destiny.

The author perused and contemplated over a thousand words to come up with his list of 84 to represent the most pertinent values to apply to the most important person in the universe. Some of them we use to describe the best of our human qualities.; and yet, all qualities are derived from Love.
     Reflect on the nature of Reality, your place in the cosmos, and your relationship with God. Meditate on God. Write down His/Her nature & attributes. Ask yourself the most basic questions. Does God exist? If yes, then what would he be like? Is he a person? How do others describe him? Is it possible for him to be vindictive, cruel, or wrathful? Would you want to put any negative qualities on your list? Compare and discuss you list with those of your friend, family, church group, etc. Maybe you have to use a phrase if you cannot think of the single best word for you ideal. Synonyms are okay but you do not want your list to get unwieldy. Do all of your qualities meld together harmoniously? Since God is the most of everything, use the most extreme word-form possible: Omnipotent instead of powerful.
     Your list will grow or shrink as your idea and relationship with God matures.