

Definitions: (1) able to adjust to a new situation or environment <by changing one’s behavior or attitudes>; (2) made to fit <a new use>; (3) suitable for a specific situation; (4) to bring one thing into correspondence with another

     Adaptable implies a personal modification according to changing circumstances; accommodate suggests yielding to effect a correspondence of view; adjust suggests bringing parts or ideas into close harmonious accord; conform applies to bringing patterns, examples, or principles into agreement with some standard; reconcile implies the demonstration of the underlying compatibility of things that seem to be incompatible; versatile is the ability to adapt to many different functions or activities.

Familial Qualities: flexible, obedient

Quote: Life is adaptable, ubiquitous, and tenacious. Evolution passes on the traits that are valuable, useful, and increasingly serviceable. — Judith Mary Kain (1948-) American empath

Reflection: As we experience our lives, actively and passively, we also become more adaptable. Expansion comes when we look beyond the confines of the circumscribed environment: from the self, to the family, to the community, to the state, to the nation, to the planet, to the universe.

Observation: In evolution, when change occurs in the environment, the species that adapt to the change have become more flexible and more complex; they have expanded their survival boundaries to more than a single environment.
     The more successful mechanisms (or qualities) are those built on a sturdy foundation. They eventually become stable enough to live on their own.
     Just as physical evolution follows how well a species functions in increasingly complex environments, so too do we evolve on levels of the mind, soul, and spirit by those decisions we make in reaction to our internal and external environments. Because we can anticipate the future, we can also be proactive.

Color: green