

Definitions: (1) fully aware and attentive; wide awake; (2) quick to understand or respond; perceptive; (3) ready to act; watchful; vigilant; (4) moving with promptness; nimble; active; lively

Opportunities present themselves every day – to everyone. You just have to be alert and ready to act. — Marc Ostrofsky (1961-) American entrepreneur
• When you wash your hands, when you make a cup of coffee, when you’re waiting for the elevator – instead of indulging in thinking, these are all opportunities for being there as a still, alert presence. — Eckhart Tolle [born Ulrich Leonard Tölle] (1948-) German-English spiritual teacher

Observation: One can train oneself to be alert to almost anything. It may, of necessity, be danger. It may, of lack, be attention. Or it may be any positive quality.

Symbol: an arrowhead (Native American)