

Definitions: (1) having or showing courage; intrepid; (2) to meet or endure with stamina and moral strength; dauntless; (3) to defy the odds; to challenge; to dare

Derivations: Latin, “barbarous;” Old Spanish, “courageous;” Danish, “worthy”

Synonyms: bold, gallant, great-hearted, hearty, heroic
Brave is a general term that suggests fortitude, daring, and resolve; courageous implies a higher or nobler kind of bravery, especially as resulting from an inborn quality of mind or spirit; fearless implies unflinching spirit and coolness in the face of danger; valiant implies an inner strength manifested by brave deeds.

Balancing Qualities: Practical, Safe
     Note: Caution needs to be modified with courage and adventure, but bravery needs to be modified with the discretion of safety, practicality, and reality.

Saying: Fortes fortuna juvat (Latin): “Fortune favors the brave.”

Idiom: Put on a brave face.

• To be brave, one must be cheerful. — Lyman Frank Baum (1856-1919) The Patchwork Girl of Oz {1913}
• There are many kinds of bravery and one cannot be expected to possess them all. I myself am brave as a lion in all ways until it comes to fighting, but then my nature revolts. — Lyman Frank Baum (1856-1919) Tik-Tok of Oz {1914}

Observation: Self-pity is just the reverse side of bravado. — Kim Stanley Robinson (1952-) Galileo’s Dream {2009}

Fiction: Henry Fleming, a soldier, is ashamed of his natural impulse to flee the horrors of war. Nonetheless, he distinguishes himself as brave. — Stephen Crane (1871-1900) Red Badge of Courage {1895}

Legendary Figure: Sir Lancelot, the bravest of King Arthur’s knights