

Definition: appealing to or conceived by the higher intellect <including sublime emotions, inspired imaginings, and pure logic>

Compatible Qualities: humorous, musical, playful
     Note: In 1926 GRAHAM WALLAS (1858-1932) English psychologist, described the four stages of creative thought as preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification. The incubation stage is often aided by walking away from the problem and doing something entirely different – particularly a fun diversion. It is said that many mathematicians are jugglers.

• When we make the cerebral state the beginning of an action, and in no sense the condition of a perception, we place the perceived images of things outside the image of our body, and thus replace perception within the things themselves. — Henri-Louis Bergson (1859–1941) French philosopher
• Music can make the cerebral accessible, the subconscious hummable. It communicates our shared needs and desires as sentient beings better than any other medium. — Nell Marie McKay (1982-) American singer/songwriter