

Definitions: (1) pleased <especially with oneself, one’s advantages, or one’s accomplishments>; self-satisfied; (2) pleasant; kindly; complaisant

Derivation: Latin, “with pleasure”

To Far: self-righteous

• A modest assertion of one’s own opinion, and a complaisant acquiescence in other people, preserves dignity. — Douglas Gene Stanhope (1967-) American stand-up comedian & author
• Complaisance, though in itself it be scarce reckoned in the number of moral virtues, is that which gives a luster to every talent a man can be possessed of. It was Plato’s advice to an unpolished writer that he should sacrifice to the graces. In the same manner I would advise every man of learning, who would not appear in the world a mere scholar or philosopher, to make himself master of the social virtue which I have here mentioned. — Joseph Addison (1672–1719) English essayist

Comment: Many say, don’t be complacent, don’t get too comfortable. This may be necessary advice for a lazy person. But an energetic person needs to take time to see what has been done correctly and take a season of rest before moving on. And when the body begins to age, to look back and appreciate what you have been able to do is a sweet reward.