

Definitions: (1) coherently combined meanings; logically linked ideas; (2) an appropriate relationship, socially, physically, or professionally; interconnected; (3) a thorough set with all parts harmoniously united; joined together in a proper order <as the precise fit of a mosaic or puzzle>; quick-connecting

• The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe. — Michio Kaku (1947-) American theoretical physicist
     Note: Of course “the known universe” keeps on expanding. And the mind is a much larger matrix than the brain.
• The brain contains no material other than its own channels and switch-ways. Thoughts can be about pigs or coconuts, but there are no pigs or coconuts in the brain. In the mind there are no neurons, only ideas of pigs and coconuts. — Gregory Bateson (1904–1980) English anthropologist, semiotician, & cyberneticist

Comment: Our connections are of three natures: personal, mental, and spiritual. We are connected with our fellows through family, friendship, and many other associations. The mind, on the other hand, looks to connect ideas, stories, and experiences. And the soul loves to connect ideals. We can make these bridges with logic, mathematics, or even intuitive faith leaps.