

Definitions: (1) focused on the end or final purpose; (2) characterizes one who intends to accomplish everything he or she sets out to do

Music: “Winter Wonderland” {1934}
Later on, we’ll conspire,
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid,
The plans that we’ve made,
Walking in a winter wonderland.
— Felix Bernard (1897-1944) American Composer
— Richard Bernhard Smith (1901-1935) American Lyricist

• The limitations define how you are to proceed. — Gerard “Jerry” Vincent Hubert Downs (1949-) American photographer & writer
• One has half the deed done who has made a beginning. — Horace (65 BC-8 AD) Roman lyric poet
• The last step depends on the first. The first step depends on the last. — Rene Daumal (1908-1944) French poet
• Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get. — George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Irish playwright
• After 5,000 “failed” experiments on the light bulb: “I had 5,000 ways of proving that I was getting closer to where I wanted to go.” — Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) American inventor
• Purpose is a general direction toward which you wish your life to move. Resolutions, on the other hand, are goals that help contribute to your purpose. Once you have stated your purpose, set up a plan to achieve it. Look at the resources that are available, and think about which ones are needed. It’s important to have a taste of success. Also, make sure you reward yourself when you meet your short-term goals. — Dr. George Sheehan (1918-1993) “Peak Performance! Coaching Your Internal Team,” Taking Care Magazine
• Having a goal sometimes limits your flexibility. — Judy Kain (1948-) American empath
     Note: Don’t be so narrowly focused on your goal that you forget your higher purpose.

Inspiration: You alone do not need to arrive at all of the determination you need to experience your goals. You need not be the sole cause and effect of your results. As a matter of fact, if you depend only upon yourself, your results will be limited to your personal sphere of reality. If you expand to include other people, you have opened yourself up to a much broader range of possibilities.
     Did you ever wonder what magnificent music Mozart or any of the great composers would have been able to produce with today’s technology; what about other great historic inventors, artists, and engineers? We can and should build on the accomplishments made before us.
     When you expand beyond personal and collective motives, to include cosmic principles, you will be connecting yourself to universe reality – unlimited creativity. The more you choose the source, the closer you will emulate the source. As you become it, the more you will be its instrument, and its creativity will flow through you.
     THE source is personal – a wise and loving God. But even if you have come to the conclusion the universe is nothing but a grand mechanism, doesn’t it still behoove you to allow your goals to be aligned with the workings of the larger system? Wouldn’t your greatest successes be when you work with what works?
     One of the greatest gifts of life is choice. Your range of choice is as broad as your consciousness. Goal setting focuses your mind and action on attainment and results. When you align your mind with the Higher Mind and target your goal on your highest ideas and ideals, you will truly be on the road to success.

• The question “Where will I get the time?” is valid. If you are dedicated to your family and holding a job, then feel good you are succeeding in that. You must begin from where you are and add to what you are already doing. All the more reason you choose goals (and qualities necessary to attain those goal) that are highly motivating. You will have to really want it to squeeze out some more energy and enthusiasm in your “free” time if you are already putting in a full effort.
• Inspiration, intuition, instinct, and luck are alternatives or additions to goal setting.
     The goal may be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, but you cannot get to it without focusing on and acquiring those qualities needed for you to experience what you choose.

Consideration: Contemplate the difference between that which is value and that which has value.

Observation: One cannot underestimate the need for discipline in goal setting. The thing to remember is who is in control. Is your discipline being imposed from without – parents, bosses, society, religion, or friends – or is it being generated from within? Are you fulfilling your needs because of your inner desires?
     It is good to have a combination of both the outer and the inner. But when an external force becomes too controlling, meet it with the wisdom of an appropriate inner force. You could choose to fight fire with fire, in which case dominance will be achieved by the one with the superior strength. Or you could choose to avoid the fight by using communication, reason, law, justice, inventiveness, resolve, and understanding.
     In order for internal discipline to take precedence, one must be highly motivated. External motivation is often a forced motivation. Internal motivation may have fear or pity as elements, but can be made more powerful with hope, responsibility, curiosity, and the desire to serve.

• You are an end in yourself – work for you as a goal.
• Beware of being a slave to your goals. Be happy about your goals each day you are accomplishing them.
• Decide on a project you are excited about and looking forward to; one that will draw you out of bed in the morning.
• Do not listen to those who say it cannot be done. It is your goal. You know you can do it. It is your vision, and you will do it at your pace.

Advice: If you notice you are motivated by the “going away from” method of action, then understand that impulse in yourself. Consciously decide to be less negative by using the strategy of positive acquisition.
     Understanding of the risk, the willingness to confront the challenge, and the courage to look your fear in the face necessitates you be conscious of the difficulties you may encounter. The key is that you are in control of your choices. After all, if your idea/ideal is strong enough to overcome the negative, then it certainly has the thrust, once it gets off of the ground, to sail for a while. Then all you need to do is to continue the propulsion and keep adjusting the thrusters to maintain course and speed.

Admonition: Keep on plugging, keep choosing, keep doing what you need to be doing. Take action, have courage, and you will grow and move forward, no matter where your starting place is.

•  Who do I admire?
•  What do I admire?
•  What is my life’s purpose?
•  Why have I chosen this goal?
• What will be the rewards of success?
•  How close to my self-image is my goal?
• How will things change when I succeed?
•  What price will I pay to achieve my goal?
•  Who will give me feedback as I progress?
•  What is my contribution to my life, to all life?
•  Who will support and contribute to my success?

Goal Setting:
Life Purpose
1. What does your success look like?
2. List two or more of your unique positive qualities. How do you like to express these qualities?
3. Combine into a single statement. Example: “I am communicating with clarity and kindness my understanding and appreciation of reality in a practical and creative way.”

Qualities Needed to Accomplish Your Goals:
1. Desire
2. Motivation
3. Determination
4. Skill, talent
5. Stick-to-itiveness

How to Set Goals:
1. Identify your life purpose.
2. Decide
    • on your strategy
    • on your tactics
    • on your target
3. Start.
4. Act: Delegate or do it yourself.
5. Continue – be persistent.
6. Finish what you start.

Earl Nightingale (1921-1989) A Course in Winning audio tapes
1. Select a motivating and compelling goal.
2. Define it in your own words – be specific and concise.
    • Begin with six-month to one-year goals.
    • State it as if it has already been reached.
    • Use action modifiers.
    • Use emotion words (enthusiastic, happy).
    • State it in the present tense and be positive.
    • Use personal pronouns (I enjoy exercising every day. I weigh a trim, athletic 165 pounds)
3. Always direct your self-talk stimulation toward what you desire – positively.
4. Read your goal two to five times a day, or use a recording.
5. Break down bigger goals into smaller tasks.

Hilary Hinton “Zig” Ziglar (1926-2012) A Course in Winning audio tapes
1. Identify the goal.
2. Set a deadline for achievement.
3. List the obstacles to overcome.
4. Identify the people and groups to work with.
5. List the skills and knowledge required to reach your goal.
6. Develop a plan of action.
7. List the benefits.

Unmeasurable Goal Setting:
Once you focus on the qualities you desire you will get results.
     • Measurable: this week’s paycheck, first car, first house.
     • Unmeasurable: Daddy’s approval, Mommy’s hugs, first kiss, the sun on your face, looking into a lovely face that is looking back at you with love.

Seven Types of Goals:
1. Physical: appearance, medical, exercise, weight, nutrition
2. Family: loving, listening, supporting, forgiving, respecting, sharing time
3. Financial: earning, saving, investing, budgeting, insurance, credit
4. Social: friendship, humor, communication, self-confidence, manners, caring
5. Mental: imagination, attitude, education, reading, curiosity, interaction
6. Career: job satisfaction, effectiveness, training, understanding, purpose, competence
7. Spiritual: inner peace, meaning, gratitude, religious study, God-consciousness

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