

Definitions: (1) the quality of being of sound moral principle; uprightness of character; incorruptible; (2) honest and sincere in a professional, intellectual, or artistic endeavor; reputable; (3) integration of self; maintenance of identity; (4) holding steadfastly true to one’s identity-conferring commitments; scrupulously principled; (5) standing up for ones best judgment with proper respect for the judgment of others

Compatible Qualities: complete, firm

• If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters. — Alan Kooi Simpson (1931-) American politician [Wyoming Representative]
• Having a superpower has nothing to do with the ability to fly or jump, or superhuman strength. The truest superpowers are the ones we all possess: willpower, integrity, and most importantly, courage. —  Jason Reynolds (1983-) American author & poet

Observation: A person who has grit, meaning “plucky, spirited, courageous, and resolute” may also be considered to be held in the grip of integrity.

Suggestion: Trust the higher self to do what is right instead of manipulating the ego self to live up to your expectation.

Symbols: 1) a rock or stone; 2) the Lovers (Tarot)