Definition: characteristic of a mother or motherhood <as loyal, supportive, protective, loving, giving, and generous>; matriarchal
See also: Paternal
Quote: Teach your children what we have taught our children, that the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth. — Chief Si’ahl [Seattle] (c. 1780-1866) Native American peacemaker
Symbols: 1) water; 2) the oven; 3) the goose; 4) the gorge; 5) the ocean; 6) the forest
Historic Figure: Anna Maria Jarvis (1864–1948) American teacher & business woman, proposed Mothers Day in 1905 in honor of her mother who wished for a “Mother’s Day for Peace.”
Theological Figure: Shakti: the cosmic energy of the Great Divine Mother — Hinduism