

Definition: taking extreme care with minute details; precise; thorough; methodical

Too Far: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Idiom: Keep all of your ducks in a row.

People Who Exemplify This Quality: True friendship is like sound health, the value of which is seldom known until it be lost. — Charles Caleb Colton (1777–1832) English cleric and writer
     Note: This saying was written twice on a human hair in March, 1990. — Pan Xixing, The Guinness Book of World Records {1992}

Quote: It’s OK to pursue speculative ideas because we don’t want to be too cozy and safe and assume that we know everything about life in the universe. However, we have to be rigorous and careful and honest and logical and scientifically meticulous when we speculate. — David H. Grinspoon (1959-) American astrobiologist