
Divine Definitions: (1) Stimulating wonder; inspiring fascination; hypnotic; (2) Exciting curiosity; intriguing; (3) Beyond our most appealing dreams; unfathomable; (4) So awesomely sacred as to cause speechlessness; ineffable

Quote: Mysterium fascinans (fascinating mystery): a sense of something fascinating, desirable, good, caring, and comforting which invites us into its fullness, fulfills us, and in so doing produces a unique kind of spiritual joy (bliss). — Rudolf Otto (1869-1937) German theologist & philosopher

• In human spiritual experience, the fact of God and the love of God are not a mystery. Mystery appears when we begin to fathom the details of the spirit realm. The finite mind can know only what is in its frame, albeit this limited frame is ever expanding with experience and revelation. The soul can know more.
• God has no reason to use magic. He knows all of the tricks but resorts to none of them. His primary motive is to share Himself. The desire to discover is fascinating to all personalities and is hardwired into every mind. We naturally seek to learn more, not only about ourselves but also about the habits (laws) of God and the universe. All things are discoverable with His help; progress is inevitable.
• Once the current mysteries are unveiled there will be intriguingly new ones to hold our awe.

Human Definitions: (1) marked by intellectual depth; (2) seriously or intensely felt; (3) thoroughgoing <profound judgments>

Synonyms: humble, mysterious, penetrating

Quote: The first function, one might say, of every mythology has always been a mystical, metaphysical function: that of awaking in the mind and spirit of the individual a sense of awe before the mystery of “being” itself. This is the mystery dimension and the first function of mythology is to communicate that [mystery], so that in the field of mythological forms and of the rites by which you participate in those forms you are made aware, experientially, of the ultimate, absolute mystery of the universe which cannot be caught in words. It is antecedent to meaning. Meanings are the mental interpretations, and these vary.
     Now, not only the universe itself, but also the imagery of myth is intrinsically without meaning. It is a “being” statement. And the experience of the “getting turned on” or the “ripple or buzz” comes when all of your meaning interpretations smash, break up; and what has been called the… fascinating, tremendous mystery of this whole thing comes zooming through.
     Now, it is a tremendous mystery and it is an appalling, monstrous mystery; to think of the nature of life itself: it lives on life. — Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Volume II: The Cosmogonic Cycle