

Definitions: (1) pleasing; agreeable; delightful; (2) amiably pleasant; kind; thoughtful; considerate; (3) requiring great accuracy, precision, skill, or delicacy <nice workmanship>; (4) refined as to manners, language, or character; (5) virtuous; respectable; decorous; (6) a generalized term of approval; having very wide appeal; good; excellent

Synonyms: correct, dainty, exquisite, exact, fine

Too Far: naive

Saying: If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. — Maternal Wisdom

• It’s nice to just embrace the natural beauty within you. — Victoria Dawn Justice (1993-) American actress & singer
• Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out. — Frank A. Clark (1911–1991) American cartoonist

• If someone is not nice, make up a reason why they are not, or if appropriate, ask him or her. Knowing why gives you a better appreciation of, and tolerance for, the individual’s poor behavior.
• Since everyone wants others to be nice to them, it makes sense to make the effort to accommodate that desire. The likelihood of their being nice back to you increases dramatically – especially if your motive is selfless.