

Definitions: (1) light and quick in motion; moving with ease and celerity; lively; swift; fleet; ; (2) sensitive; responsive <a nimble listener>; (3) clever conception, comprehension, or resourcefulness; flexanimous <nimble-minded>; legerity

Educational systems have to be nimbler, have to be more adapted to today’s realities where students can go in different directions and professionalize even faster – constant retraining and re-skilling and up-skilling the workforce. — Roberto Carvalho de Azevedo (1957-) Brazilian diplomat
• Being nimble and ready to change our minds, if need be, is an attribute that is crucial to live and thrive in a society that is powered by science and technology – both as an individual and as an engaged citizen. — Priyamvada (Priya) Natarajan (?1960’s) India-American physicist & astronomer