

Definition: promoting or sustaining life, growth, or strength

Proverb: Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. — The Bible, Matthew 4:4
    Note: Every food provides its own nourishment. A wide and balanced variety provides sustaining energies.

Synonyms: Nourish denotes supplying with food or causing to grow; cherish: to hold and treat dearly; nurture: to attend to with a fostering care.

Quote: Of the things which nourish the imagination, humor is one of the most needful, and it is dangerous to limit or destroy it. — Edmond John Millington Synge (1871–1909) Irish playwright, poet, & folklorist

Observation: Some ideas, like some seeds, need fire to germinate. But most others just need a little soil (sustenance), water (life), & sun (energy).