
Divine Definitions: (1) The discernible, coherent design upon which to base the total system; (2) The original arrangement and example of form; (3) The primary, discrete set of priorities from which all things are derived; (4) The fundamental model for all subsequent reality; (5) The physical, personal, mindal, and spiritual guide showing the way; (6) The ideal worthy of imitation and copying; (7) Generosity sufficient to create all that divine design requires

Quote: God is everything, moving through everything, is the pattern that everything makes. — Jo Walton, (1964-) Among Others {2011}

Comment: God is the original pattern. The idea of a tree existed before the first seed took root. Form follows function. Function follows intention. His intention is Love. We think of the physical world as the most real of things, yet matter is the slow energy pattern of pure substantive Reality. DNA is the simple structural pattern; adding life to it is the source of the real skill. Light contains the rainbow. Vibration contains the symphony. Love contains the baby’s giggle, the helping hand, and the answers.

Human Definition: a model or pattern of excellence or perfection <a paragon of virtue>

Derivation: Greek, “to test good from bad”

People Who Exemplify This Quality: Anyone who lives a high standard is a paragon. Anyone can be an example of goodness simply by being good.

Quote: The Spirit brings order out of chaos and beauty out of ugliness. He can transform a sin-blistered man into a paragon of virtue. The Spirit changes people. The Author of life is also the Transformer of life. — Robert Charles Sproul (1939-2017) American theologian