Definitions: (1) devoted to a study of the processes governing thought and conduct; (2) theoretical contemplation; (3) investigation of the principles and laws regulating the universe that underlie all knowledge and reality; (4) calm in a difficult situation; rational in the face of conflict; sensibly composed; (5) able to add meaning to confusion, put pain into context, or downplay damage which have or will occur in a lifetime
Derivation: Greek, “love of wisdom”
Quote: A work of art can start you thinking about some aesthetic or philosophical problem; it can suggest some new method; some fresh approach to fiction. — Francine Prose (1947-) American novelist
Consideration: History alone fails adequately to reveal future development—destiny. Finite origins are helpful, but only divine causes reveal final effects. Eternal ends are not shown in time beginnings. The present can be truly interpreted only in the light of the correlated past and future. (19:1.11.4) — The Urantia Book {1955}
Note: The philosophic technique of starting from the lower to approach the higher is in danger of committing errors of reasoning.
Symbol: The Archpriest (Tarot)