

Definitions: (1) free or escaped from damage, danger, or injury; secure; unharmed; (2) giving protection; (3) trustworthy; reliable; sure; (4) taking no risks; prudent; cautious

Balancing Qualities: Adventurous, Courageous, Inventive

Too Far: timid

• Better safe than sorry.
• You will go most safely by the middle course.

• I could not tread these perilous paths in safety, if I did not keep a saving sense of humor. — Horatio Nelson (1758–1805) British naval officer
• After all these years, I am still involved in the process of self-discovery. It’s better to explore life and make mistakes than to play it safe. Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life. — Sofia Costanza Brigida Villani Scicolone [aka: Sophia Loren] (1934-) Italian actress

Symbol: a fireplace