

Definitions: (1) having or showing mettle, courage, vigor, animation, or energy; (2) the spiritualizing influence; the immaterial intelligent or sentient part of a person; (3) the supreme moral and ethical standard; the motivating, activating, or essential principle influencing a person’s actions <the spirit of helpfulness>; (4) a positive inclination, impulse, or tendency (5) the source of ideals and values; the extraordinary feelings and qualities characterizing one’s inner attitude; qualitative reality; (6) the disposition of firmness or assertiveness
    See also: High-Spirited, Public-Spirited, Spiritual

Too Far: tempestuous

Quote: A spirited mind never stops within itself; it is always aspiring and going beyond its strength. —  Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, Seigneur de Montaigne [aka: Michel de Montaigne] (1533–1592) French Renaissance philosopher