Definitions: (1) upholding another by aid or countenance <especially if in need>; (2) encouraging the spirits of another person; (3) helpful emotionally, financially, or morally; (2) characterizes one who keeps another from fainting, falling, failing, or declining
Synonyms: assisting, bolstering, corroborative, forwarding, furthering, seconding, substantiative
• The problem with certainty is that sometimes it can sound cold and heartless, although it is the most compassionate and supportive answer. ― Yehuda Berg (1972-) Jewish-American author & teacher
• Choose to focus your time, energy and conversation around people who inspire you, support you and help you to grow you into your happiest, strongest, wisest self. — Karen Salmansohn (1980’s-) American behavioral change expert
Advice: Instead of getting mad at yourself or someone else for mistakes, you can get over the disappointment quickly by putting as much support into the situation as you can.
Symbols: 1) the staff; 2) the crutch; 3) the throne; 4) a pillar