

Definitions: (1) concerned with healing the body, mind, or spirit; (2) calming; relaxing

Derivation: Greek, “to treat,” “to attend to”

Music: There are so many moods to melodies that they have instructions on how to play them: There are about 80 different expressions, for example: Amore (tenderly), Calore (calmly), Espansivo (effusively), Sospirando (sighingly), etc. Music is truly therapeutic.

• Physician, heal thyself.  — The Bible, Luke 4:23
• Since narcissism is fueled by a greater need to be admired than to be liked, psychologists might use that fact as a therapeutic lever – stressing to patients that being known as a narcissist will actually cause them to lose the respect and social status they crave. — Jeffrey Kluger (1954-) American writer, The Narcissist Next Door {2014}