
Divine Definitions: (1) God is the source of authenticity; genuine; (2) In accord with reality; (3) The ideal of fundamental veracity; (4) Imparting true meaning; forthright; (5) Reliably certain; accurate; (6) Dependably exact; precise; (7) Sincere; upright; (8) Reflecting the essential character of the teacher; (9) Definitively logical; honest

Saying: The truth shall set you free.
     Note: Facts are uniform and static. Truth is flexible and living. Seek the truth and you will be rewarded with continual progress.

Human Definitions: (1) the quality of being in accordance with or conforming to actual experience, facts, and reality; (2) the ideal of fundamental objective reality apart from and transcending perceived experience; (3) subjective existence portrayed to oneself or to others with honesty, integrity, and veracity; (4) expressing sincerity in action, character, and utterance; forthright; (5) in agreement with a common standard or a collective idea; (6) reliably certain; accurate; (7) dependably exact; precise
     Note: Higher nature in Sanskrit is called satchitananda: sat = truth, chit = conscious, and ananda = bliss.

Synonyms: genuine, logical, upright

Compatible Quality: tact

• Truth is mighty and will prevail.
• Truth conquers all things.

He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy
He who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in Eternity’s sun rise. — William Blake (1757-1827) English poet

• In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. — George Orwell [born Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) English author
• Nonviolence and truth are inseparable and presuppose one another. There is no God higher than truth. — Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian lawyer & peacemaker
• Unless there is truth, and unless people tell the truth, there is always danger in everything outside of the individual. — Terence Hanbury White (1906-1964) The Once and Future King {1958}
• The truth cannot contradict The Truth. — Pope Leo XIII [born Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci] (1810-1903) the 256th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
     Note: In 1996 Pope John Paul II [born Karol Józef Wojtyła] (1920-2005) the 264th Pope, restated the quote to make the point that the truth of science cannot contradict the Truth of faith.

Reflection: Thinking breeds facts but feeling leads to truth.

Consideration: Individuals respond to truth in their guts by the use of their knowing centers. Even if the outside information or person is partially truthful, there is still an unerring response to that portion which is objectively truthful. This internal truth guide works just as well on all levels of fact, meaning, and value.
     Consider a good liar. He or she projects the positive qualities of sincerity and clarity with a convincing communicative style. But the listener needs to be perceptive in judgment so as to correctly segregate the true from the false. We can attune this ability by honoring and respecting the truth.
     This internal truth sense works not only externally but also internally. Listen to your “self-talk” with your intuitive truth center. This is useful when you are exploring a new subject.
     It is nice to share with a friend. If you say something inappropriate, they react honestly, and if you are sensitive and paying attention, you will both know something needs to be adjusted.

Comment: Truth always has an advantage over evil in that truth can be continually lived in experience. You can become it. Error, evil, sin, and iniquity cannot become a permanent part of you. They are unreal. They eventually lead to a dead end. Sooner or later they will prove their lack of value. If you choose to be unreal, you are choosing not to be.
     Yet error has the purpose of showing us the edge. We can stay away from it when we encounter it again – if we are smart. Error nudges us back toward goodness and reality.

Colors: blue, green

Symbols: 1) the torch; 2) a hand mirror; 3) the number nine; 4) gems or treasures {Spiritual Truths and Knowledge}

Fictional Figure: Una, a lovely damsel, is the personification of truth. — Edmund Spenser (1552-1599) Faërie Queene {1590}

Mythological Figure: Ma, in Egyptian mythology, is the goddess of truth and justice.