What Is Heavy Water and What Is It Used For?


As far as I know, heavy water is used for three things. But first, what is heavy water. It is water that has a lot of deuterium in it. It is an essential component in some types of nuclear reactors that generate electricity. It is also used in producing nuclear bombs. And lastly, it is used in old abandoned mines where a underground chamber is placed way down deep in the mine with the heavy water in it to trap tiny neutrinos that come mostly from our sun. This research allows scientists to come a little closer to understanding the fundamental properties of the universe.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at www.OpenTable.fun You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.

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