Living Large in Small Spaces


TreeHugger Founder, Graham Hill, Lives In A Mind-Blowing 420-Square Feet ‘Tiny Home.’ His home is a prototype of spaces from LifeEdited, Inc., a company dedicated to showing people how living in small spaces can actually be a good thing. In the video, we see Graham uses just 420 square feet of space to sleep, host a dinner party for 10 and even watch a movie projected on the wall. This is thanks to nearly every inch of the place being foldable or hidden. At the end, Graham pulled out one of the walls and turned it into a room divider for guests.

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“The foxes have holes, and the birds of heaven have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head,” and so it is today for many of his followers. Despite all the warnings about the snares laid by moneylenders, despite the fact that gage mort is literally translated as a pledge to give up one’s life, millions have lost their homes through mortgage exploits, and their quality of life through the service of debt.

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