DeepShift / Everything Must Change

I was struck again about how hollow and shallow it would be to try to live a Christian life that consists of singing songs, studying the Bible, listening to sermons, and so on – without being involved as agents of change in the world around us, especially relating to the growing global crises surrounding our … Read more

God’s Providence

“God the great Creator of all things does uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge, and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His … Read more

A Very Competitive Religious Marketplace

The Pew survey finds that constant movement characterizes the American religious marketplace, as every major religious group is simultaneously gaining and losing adherents. Those that are growing as a result of religious change are simply gaining new members at a faster rate than they are losing members. Conversely, those that are declining in number because … Read more

First Things First

First, we understand that God Himself is Beauty, and Justice, and Goodness, and Joy, and Peace, and Love, He is the sum of all perfections. And so God’s will is simply an expression of that divine perfection, and it shares in that perfection. So whenever we accept the will of God in our hearts, we … Read more

Practice Radical Gratitude

No matter where you are or how you feel, find something to be grateful for. Give thanks for life’s small miracles, for a smile, or a sunset or for any of nature’s wonders. Even if the only thing you can appreciate is your next breath, then give thanks for that. Slowly, let the appreciation grow … Read more

Psalm of My Life

Praise God with your pen.Praise Him with the creativity of your mind.Let stories well up which glorify His name;Choose words that guide children in ways of truth.The Lord is your Theme and Climax,Your Beginning and your End.Give Him praise as you sit at your keyboard. AEVIA Reveals the Source

The Heresy of A Good Person

Securely ensconced in my own merit and goodness, I eventually found myself in a position to be the creator of my own belief system and my own judge of what was right and good, or wrong and bad. From that position, I could safely live however I wanted to, and simply draw back from anything … Read more


The search for God, for truth, for feeling of being completely good — not the cultivation of goodness, of humility, but the seeking out of something beyond the inventions and tricks of the mind, which means having a feeling for that something, living in it, being it — that is true religion. But you can … Read more