The War of Art

Ask nine out of ten people what the purpose of art is, and they will say, “to express yourself.” In fact, art has many purposes, and self-expression is one of the least important. No one could mistake “The Star-Spangled Banner” or “Ave Maria” for expressions of self. When we look out upon the world, we … Read more

Truth, Beauty, and Goodness

THE True, the Beautiful, the Good — through all the ages of man’s conscious evolution these words have expressed three great ideals: ideals which have instinctively been recognized as representing the sublime nature and lofty goal of all human endeavour. In epochs earlier than our own there was a deeper knowledge of man’s being and … Read more

Recovering Goodness, Beauty and Truth

Goodness, Beauty and Truth, I call this the ancient triad. The classical culture of Greek civilisation called this the triumvirate. It’s interesting to see this triad existed in other civilisations. There is something Trinitarian in the function of these three, existing together as one. They seem to belong together, just like an American BLT (bacon, … Read more

Love / Hate Relationships

Nelson Mandela in his autobiography mentions it beautifully “No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart … Read more

A life in Christ is a holy life that reflects the beauty, goodness, integrity and strength of character of all that is best in what it is to be human.

How can we counter a culture imbued with the celebration of shame, sin and mocking mean-spiritedness? A culture which lowers the bar on models of human behavior? By aspiring to excellence – to the excellence and greatness of holiness through the gift of life God offers us in Grace. When St. Paul writes, “Finally, brethren, … Read more

Catholic Adoption Agency Will Close Before Giving Children to Homosexual Parents, Bishop States

The Catholic Bishop of Motherwell, Scotland, Reverend Joseph Devine, stated that a Catholic adoption agency would close rather than comply with the recent UK Sexual Orientation Regulations (SOR) and allow children to be adopted by homosexual couples.Commenting on the possible closing of the Glasgow-based St. Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society, Bishop Devine commented in … Read more

Rainwater Tanks

Rainwater is a valuable natural resource that can be collected for use around the home. With water restrictions in place in many areas, more homeowners are using rainwater to keep their gardens green, wash the car and for other uses around the house. Did you know?A rainwater tank can save up to 100,000 litres of … Read more

PATH – Concept Home Principles

The PATH Concept Home uses innovative building technologies to enhance a home’s flexibility and make it more efficient to build and maintain. Six principles create the foundation for incorporating innovative systems into the Concept Home. PATH has prepared a series of reports which explore technologies and systems that support each principle. Principle #1: Flexible Floor … Read more

Incorporating Green Design Elements

Sustainable affordable housing is also playing a strong role in breathing new life into economically challenged neighborhoods. William Stein, AIA, LEED, principal of New York-based Dattner Architects, presented an affordable housing development located in the East New York neighborhood of Brooklyn, N.Y., that his firm designed. The benefits that the Atlantic Avenue Apartments (pictured below) … Read more