Establish Justice

Principle #3 from the Enacting Clause (Preamble) of the United States Constitution Full Episode Transcript Melville W. Fuller was the first Chief Justice to lobby Congress. He successfully advocated for the adoption of the Circuit Courts of Appeals Act of 1891. It established appellate courts, which reduced the Supreme Court’s backlog and allowed it to … Read more

Insure Domestic Tranquility

Principle #4 from the Enacting Clause (Preamble) of the United States Constitution Full Episode Transcript In the Majority Supreme Court Opinion on New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, Justice Thomas wrote “. . . when it comes to interpreting the Constitution, not all history is created equal. Constitutional rights are enshrined … Read more

Provide for the Common Defense

Principle #5 from the Enacting Clause (Preamble) of the United States Constitution Full Episode Transcript George Washington, in his Farewell Address, said: “Political parties may now and then answer popular ends, but they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be … Read more

Promote the General Welfare

Principle #6 from the Enacting Clause (Preamble) of the United States Constitution Full Episode Transcript With its Decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Supreme Court has both enabled and facilitated clear Deprivations of Rights under the Color of Law. The Thirteenth Amendment, in Section 1 is unambiguous with the statement “Neither slavery … Read more

Secure the Blessings of Liberty

Principle #7 from the Enacting Clause (Preamble) of the United States Constitution Full Episode Transcript If one would be required to sign an Informed Consent document to have a mole removed, how could the Consent of the Governed be legally undermined through the deceptive practices of prevaricating politicians that routinely target the voting public with … Read more

Citations, References, and Evolving the MLA Documentation Style

Generate First Drafts Through Artificial Intelligence Introduction To MLA Documentation Style The Modern Language Association (MLA) documentation style, a cornerstone in the realm of academic writing, offers a systematic method for citing sources within the liberal arts and humanities. Established to provide consistency and clarity in scholarly communication, MLA style enables writers to give proper … Read more

The Quintessential Curriculum

Many writers have described Aristotle’s fifth element as a kind of invisible light or fire. In the Middle Ages. The quinta essentia has evolved to stand for anything so perfect that it seems to surpass the limitations of earth. Today we generally use quintessential rather freely to describe just about anything that represents the best … Read more

Developing The Design Criteria For An Education Ministry That Is Culturally Agile And Inclusive

Understanding Cultural Diversity In Education In today’s globalized world, cultural diversity plays a pivotal role in shaping educational systems. Recognizing and appreciating cultural differences within the education ministry is essential for fostering an inclusive and culturally agile learning environment. Understanding cultural diversity entails acknowledging the unique perspectives, values, traditions, and languages of diverse student populations. … Read more

Creating Favorable Conditions For Social Learning

Understanding The Importance Of Social Learning In Education Social learning plays a crucial role in education, fostering an environment where students can learn from one another. Unlike traditional methods that rely solely on teacher-led instruction, social learning encourages collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. By engaging in group discussions and activities, students are exposed to … Read more

Seeking Common Ground

Developing Strategies for Diverse Groups Seeking Authentic Common Ground and Forging Consensus Understanding And Embracing Diversity: Building Bridges For Consensus In today’s increasingly interconnected and multicultural world, it is essential to develop strategies that enable diverse groups to find common ground and forge consensus. Understanding and embracing diversity is crucial in this process, as it … Read more