Sunlight Where You Need It

SunnyBot is about the size of a large desk lamp and is equipped with an on-board mirror that continuously adjusts to reflect the sun’s rays on a chosen area. It is integrated with a dual-axis microcomputer that’s powered by a row of solar cells and comes with an optional feedback system. The device redirects 7,000 … Read more

The McNugget Diet

Stacey Irvine looks surprisingly well for a 17-year-old who’s eaten only chicken nuggets since she was 2. She claims never to have tasted fruits or vegetables, but admits to sometimes eating fries and toast. “McDonald’s chicken nuggets are my favorite,” said Stacey. “I share 20 with my boyfriend.” She also enjoys nuggets from KFC and … Read more

Positive Qualities – Plainspoken & Pacifistic

Dear Folks, What we dwell upon we help bring into manifestation. — Steps Toward Inner Peace, Peace  Pilgrim (1908-1981) Pacifist A Plainspoken person always has to listen with the ears of the other person or people. It is possible for you to be Pacifistic even though the majority of humankind still believes aggression is not … Read more