Rogue GMO Wheat

A 2005 report by the Office of Inspector General for the USDA was critical of government oversight of field tests of GMO crops. The report said there was a risk “that regulated genetically engineered organisms… will inadvertently persist in the environment before they are deemed safe to grow without regulation.” While the reports noted problems … Read more

Google Brings Nutrition Information to Search

The latest expansion of Google’s Knowledge Graph will make nutrition information more accessible. The new nutrition service is rolling out to those in the U.S. over the next 10 days, Google said. It will be available on desktop and mobile search, but only in English at this point. Google promised to add additional foods, and … Read more

9 Year Old Lectures McDonalds CEO

“Mr. Thompson, don’t you want kids to be healthy so they can live a long and healthy life?” This is how CEO Don Thompson was seriously grilled by a 9-year-old girl at Thursday’s annual shareholder’s meeting in Oak Brook, Ill. Hannah Robertson stood and lectured the CEO of one of the world’s biggest brands. “I … Read more

Food Synthesis – From Soy or Soylent Green?

NASA just threw a $125,000, six-month grant at a project by Anjan Contractor, a mechanical engineer at Systems and Materials Research Corporation in Austin to develop a working prototype of his proposed universal food synthesizer. The feedstocks for this device, including all the carbs, proteins, macro, and micro nutrients are in powder form. Does placing … Read more

Positive Qualities – Sedate & Foursquare

Dear Folks: 1) Be Proactive (responsible, independent, imaginative, self-aware) 2) Begin with the end in mind (conceptualization, visualization, creation) 3) Put first things first (effective time management, start with matters of importance) 4) Think Win/Win (mutual benefit, successful, integrity, maturity) 5) Seek first to understand, then to be understood (good listener, communication) 6) Synergize (communication, … Read more