Positive Qualities – Facinating & Motivated

Dear Folks, We become what we think about. — Earl Nightingale (1921-1989) Motivational Speaker Why is people watching such a Fascinating activity? We all carry our genetics, experiences, attitudes, and Motivations with us. Some of these are manifested on the surface. And if you are a good judge of character, even more is visible. Peace, … Read more

Positive Qualities – Gamesome & Well-spoken

Dear Folks, It’s not having information that is going to make you happy and successful; it’s using that information that’s going to make the dramatic difference in your life.— Zig Zigler (1926-) Motivational Speaker, Author One may have athletic talent, but if they are Gamesome without being sportsmanlike, is it valuable?  One may be Well-spoken, … Read more

Positive Qualities – Adroit & Open-hearted

Dear Folks, The Beatitudes: • Humility (The poor of spirit); • (Thirst for) Righteousness; • Meekness; • Pure- hearted (The pure of heart); • Tenderhearted, Sympathetic (They who mourn); • Merciful; • Peacemaker; • Endurance, Perseverance (Persecuted for righteousness) — The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus of Nazareth We all have some natural or acquired … Read more