Positive Qualities – Meritorious & Thinking

Dear Folks, A man is what he thinks about all day long. — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) Essayist Talk slowly but think quickly. — Author Unknown Meritorious is an after-the-fact quality. Thinking is an in-the-moment quality, but the ‘moment’ includes the past and the future. Both are intrinsic. What do you think of that? Peace, … Read more

Positive Qualities – Ethical & Self-respect

Dear Folks, The Golden Rule (The Ethic of Reciprocity) You should love your neighbor as yourself. — Judaism, Leviticus 19.18 You should love your neighbor as yourself. — Christianity, Jesus, Matthew 22:39 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. — Christianity, Matthew 7:12 Ethical Self-respect and principled other-respect are reciprocal. In … Read more

Positive Qualities – Daffy & Flexible

Dear Folks, Human efforts [are] cumulative, something in every effort [is] preserved and added to the whole. — Fifty Degrees Below Zero, Kim Stanley Robinson (1952-) To see oneself in a humorous light often times means a Flexible attitude is required. Have a Daffy week! Peace, Jim           DAFFY Definition: crazy; silly; zany Too Far: … Read more