
Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. — Oprah Winfrey Deep Abiding Devotion   Aevia — Consider the Source © 2011 The Aevia Charitable Trust — Robert H. Kalk – Lead Trustee


Be thankful for problems. If they were less difficult, someone with less ability might have your job. — James A. Lovell Deep Abiding Devotion   Aevia — Consider the Source © 2011 The Aevia Charitable Trust — Robert H. Kalk – Lead Trustee


Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts. — Alan Cohen Deep Abiding Devotion   Aevia — Consider the Source © 2011 The Aevia Charitable Trust — Robert H. Kalk – Lead Trustee

Where the Customer Base is Our Most Important Asset

“Hi Scott, this is Steve.” Scott Steckley asked: “Steve Jobs?” “Yeah,” Jobs said. “I just wanted to apologize for your incredibly long wait. It’s really nobody’s fault. It’s just one of those things.” “Yeah, I understand.” Then Jobs explained that he expedited the repair of Steckley’s computer. “I also wanted to thank you for your … Read more

Three Types of People to Fire Immediately

When confronted with any of the following three people—and you have found it impossible to change their ways, say goodbye. These people passive-aggressively block innovation from happening and will suck the energy out of any organization. 1. The Victims “I wanted a happy culture. So I fired all the unhappy people.” — A Successful CEO … Read more