Warding Off Famine

Managing the Mautam The predator satiation hypothesis holds that by fruiting at the same time, a plant population increases the survival rate of their seeds by flooding the area with fruit so that even if predators eat their fill, there will still be seeds left over. Certain species of bamboo, for instance, have a flowering … Read more

On Winning the Future

Ideology has taken a bad rap in the shallows these days. And yet, ideals elevate the public discourse. They are the driving force behind even the most material aspects of a society’s achievements. While the mechanism of civilization may be intelligently controlled, occasionally directed by wisdom, it is Spiritual Idealism that advances us from one … Read more

Navigating a Sea of Fats

Knowing your way around fats can help you beat the Reaper   Trans Fat These fats are created during food processing when liquid oils are converted into semi-solid fats — a process called hydrogenation. This creates partially-hydrogenated oils that tend to keep food fresh longer while on grocery shelves. The problem is that these partially-hydrogenated … Read more

Integrity Drill Down

Ordinary intuitions about integrity tend to allow that integrity is both a formal relation to the self and that it has something to do with acting morally. How these two intuitions can be incorporated into a consistent theory of integrity is not obvious, and most accounts of integrity tend to focus on one of these … Read more

Tests Reveal Mislabeling of Fish

Scientists aiming their gene sequencers at commercial seafood are discovering rampant labeling fraud in supermarket coolers and restaurant tables: cheap fish is often substituted for expensive fillets, and overfished species are passed off as fish whose numbers are plentiful. Recent studies by researchers in North America and Europe harnessing the new techniques have consistently found … Read more

Ten Commandments for Tree Seedling Survival!

Dr. William Carey, Auburn University Professor, outlines a ten point system to help improve forest tree seedling survival. At a meeting, sponsored by International Forest Company, Dr. Carey explains his planting techniques and insists you give seedlings “tender loving care” from the time they leave the nursery until planted in the field. Commandment Number One … Read more