Positive Qualities – Admirable & Dexterous


Dear Folks,
What most you admire, that shall you become.One, Richard David Bach (1936-) Author
Think not only of how you can live the qualities but also who you Admire who has lived them or who is living them. Think also of other ways to consider the qualities. We automatically think of someone who is good with their hands as Dexterous. But how about a person who can manage all of the complexity of a household? Or the mathematician who can hold several ideas in mind at once?
Definition: deserving the highest esteem; a person who inspires approval or respect
Synonyms: choice, excellent, pleasing, wonderful, worthy
Derivation: Latin, “to wonder”
Definitions: (1) ready and expert in the use of the body or hands; skillful and active in manual activity; adroit; (2) mental cleverness; quick at inventing
Synonyms: apt, artful, clever
Symbol: a juggler
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