Positive Qualities: Alert & Ecumenical


These are the things I learned in kindergarten. Share everything. Play fair. Don’t hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life. Learn some, and think some, and draw, and plan, and sing, and dance, and play, and work some every day. Elementary Solutions, Robert Fulghum (1937-) Author

The above quote could come down to, “Play well with others.” Or, “Share with others.” If we are Alert for an opportunity to play or share with others, there are ample opportunities. First listen. Then contrive a plan. Then wait for the chance to be the one to give. As we read the definition for Ecumenical, we discover the above qualities as well as respect, cooperation, and perspective.



Definitions: (1) fully aware and attentive; wide awake; (2) quick to understand or respond; perceptive; (3) ready to act; watchful; vigilant; (4) moving with promptness; nimble; active; lively

Symbol: an arrowhead (American Indian)


Definitions: (1) the desire of an individual to give other points of view a respectful hearing; (2) cooperative unity <especially among churches and religious denominations>; (3) finding the universality within the diversity of an organization; cooperation among divergent groups

Comment: This quality is often misunderstood as proselytizing your religion to others. When it is used that way, the other person feels like they are being forced into accepting something which they have not digested yet. The more positive view is to first respect, if not understand, the other’s current grasp of reality, and then offer yours with the hope they can glean some good from it. Reflecting on their corner of reality will also most likely give you some new piece of information to add to your own growing picture. No one has all of the answers. There is always room for improvement.

Consider the Source

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